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25 Feb

The reason of fatty liver formation in layer chicken

The most common disease in laying hens in spring and autumn is fatty liver syndrome. What is the cause of this disease? In general, the cause of fatty liver is due to poor metabolism, which causes two kinds of diseases.

First, over-nutrition, spring is mostly the reason, winter chicks feed intake is relatively high in chicken battery cages ,after a winter, causing excess nutrients, excess energy is stored in the form of fat, especially in the liver, eventually forming fatty liver . If no measures are taken at this time, it is easy to cause continuous death of the laying hens, and some can continue into the summer.

Second, lack of nutrition, as well as lack of vitamins, also includes the lack of absorbable proteins in the feed. The lack of these substances can affect the transport of fat from the liver and form dystrophic fatty liver. Fatty liver caused by this condition, the laying hens are relatively light weight. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine and strengthen the feed nutrition. Can not blindly pursue the low price of feed. It is best to choose a feed to ensure the quality of the bulk material. The formula is adjusted strictly according to the needs of each laying hen.