28 Sep

What are the moisture-proof measures for automated poultry breeding equipment

When encountering hot weather, chicken coops using automated poultry farming equipment will be hot and humid. Excessive humidity in the chicken house will seriously affect the growth and production of chickens, especially the production performance of laying hens. This requires a good job of cooling down, but also to prevent the chicken coop from getting wet. The following editor will share the tips for reducing the humidity of the device, let's learn together.


  1. In order to avoid the frequent dampness of the chicken house with this equipment, when choosing the location of the chicken house, pay attention to choosing a high and dry place, which is conducive to drainage, waterlogging prevention, ventilation, and a quiet environment. In addition, when setting the direction of the chicken house, pay attention to the south of the chicken house to keep it warm and moist.
  2. 2.In order to prevent water leakage in the drinking fountains of the breeding equipment. Because nowadays chicken coops are mostly chicken battery cages, if the drinker leaks, the chickens below will get wet. If water leakage is found, it should be sealed or replaced according to the specific situation. If the floor of the chicken coop is leaking, clean up and wipe dry in time to solve the unfavorable factors caused by water vapor.
  3. Maintain proper stocking density. Breeding equipment should appropriately reduce the breeding density in summer. If the stocking density is still high in summer, it is not only not conducive to the heat dissipation between the flocks, but also not conducive to the moisture prevention of the flocks.
  4. Strengthen the ventilation of breeding equipment. In summer, the temperature is very high. Farmers should pay attention to ventilation and cooling. Generally speaking, the temperature of the chicken house should not be higher than 25℃, and attention should be paid to the occurrence of heat stress in chickens. In addition, ventilation should be strengthened during the summer breeding process to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the chicken house, which may cause excessive humidity and affect health.
  5. Disease prevention. Prevent and treat common summer diseases and diseases that are easily caused by humidity, and avoid diseases caused by excessive humidity, such as pullorum, gastroenteritis, infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, etc.

The above is the editor to share the tips of breeding equipment and chicken coops to prevent moisture. In the future use, these methods can effectively reduce the dampness of the chicken house. I hope that these tips can bring some help to everyone.

28 Sep

Some precautions for moisture-proof and light-filling of chicken coops in summer

The temperature in summer is relatively high. It is not good for laying hens raised in poultry breeding equipment. The high temperature of the chicken house will cause the chickens to reduce their feed intake. Farmers must do a good job in cooling down, but also to prevent the chicken coop from becoming damp.


First of all, when building the chicken coop, choose a place with high terrain. Avoid getting wet due to rain. Temperature and humidity are relatively high in spring and summer. In these two seasons, attention should be paid to strengthening the ventilation of the chicken house. Note that the temperature of the chicken house in the insulated chicken cage should not be lower than 15°C. Under the premise of moderate heat preservation, ventilation should be strengthened. Avoid the accumulation of more moisture in the chicken coop.




We also need to know in the process of using chicken cage to raise chickens. Although the stocking density is high, it must meet the requirements. Don't increase the density blindly, but maintain a proper stocking density. If the density is too large, it will cause crowding of the chickens, which is not conducive to moisture prevention. Also pay attention to prevent the leakage of drinking utensils.


Generally, the time that farmers choose to supplement the light for the laying hens starts from the 19th week of the laying hens. When starting to set the light time, it should be increased slowly from short to long, and it is appropriate to increase it by half an hour a week. Farmers should note that when the light increases to 16 hours a day, they should maintain a stable light. Then the daily light cannot be long and short. The best way is to add light once a day in the morning and evening.

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