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28 Feb

High efficiency raising chicken

Using high-efficiency methods to raise chickens in poultry farm equipment suppliers can reduce costs and improve efficiency. How to achieve high efficiency in raising chickens?

First, be careful and observe more. When raising chickens, pay more attention to the growth state of the chickens and the signs of some sick money. If you observe more, you can find the abnormalities of the chickens, so that problems can be solved and costs can be reduced in time.

Second, when raising chickens, you can build chicken houses according to your own chicken farm area and choose the appropriate number of chickens. Use the space reasonably and carry out breeding reasonably. Otherwise, whether the density is too large or too small will affect the economic benefits.

Third, timely prevention of disease, reduce the chance of illness, otherwise it will not only waste the cost of feeding and treatment, but also affect the growth and development of the chicken, and lose the economy.

Fourth, proper ventilation and disinfection, pay more attention to changes in the weather and make corresponding countermeasures in time. In the spring and autumn, the temperature will rise and fall, pay attention to the change of temperature, and in the summer, the temperature will be too high to cool down in time to avoid chickens. Stress response.

25 Feb

Precautions for raising chickens in winter

In the winter, farmers usually choose to use chicken battery cages for centralized breeding. What should we pay attention to in the process of concentrated farming?

The average weight of the flock is an important indicator to measure the health of a flock. The weight of the chicken is important for the chicken to cope with environmental changes and diseases. Especially for laying hens, the demand for nutrition in the laying stage is relatively high. High, self-metabolism and maintenance of egg production require energy. In the winter, the temperature should be kept at a low temperature. If the nutrient supply is insufficient, it will easily lead to fluctuations in the weight of the chicken, resulting in weight loss, and is also prone to disease. To keep the weight of the chicken stable, do the following work.

1. Do a good job of preventing and controlling parasites. Parasites have a great influence on the growth of chickens. It is necessary to do a good job of prevention and control. If the breeding environment is not good, or the sanitary conditions of the chicken houses are poor, parasites such as chicken mites and chicken mites will grow in large numbers. It will accelerate the loss of nutrients in the chickens, leading to malnutrition of the chickens, which will lead to fluctuations in the weight of the chickens. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the house environment, do a good job of sanitation, and regularly disinfect and deworm to ensure the healthy growth of the flocks.

2. Prevent the occurrence of nutritional metabolic diseases. The low temperature in winter in the northern region leads to imbalance of some flora, which will cause the occurrence of nutritive metabolic diseases in chickens, such as the group of chicken diarrhea, which will reduce the absorption of nutrients, and the low temperature will consume the energy of chickens. Weight will decrease in the short term, causing other diseases.

3. Guarantee the supply of high quality full price feed. The weight growth of chickens is mainly the full supply of feed, especially in the cold conditions of winter, but also pay attention to the comprehensive and balanced nutrition. In the selection of feed, we must ensure the supply of high-quality full-price feed, so as to ensure that the chicken is adequately nutritious, meet the needs of egg production, metabolism and cold resistance, and ensure that the body weight is not reduced due to changes in external conditions.
4. Stimulate the feeding of the cluster. As the chicken itself has a stress response to temperature, the feed intake of the flock will increase significantly in winter. If the weight of the flock is normal, there is no problem in the basic appetite, but if the chicken group is lighter, it is necessary to take measures to stimulate the flock to feed, so as to achieve the purpose of weight gain; In addition, separate isolation methods should be adopted to carry out additional nutrient addition to achieve the purpose of weight gain, so that the low-weight chicken population is increased and the uniformity is maximized.

25 Feb

The reason of fatty liver formation in layer chicken

The most common disease in laying hens in spring and autumn is fatty liver syndrome. What is the cause of this disease? In general, the cause of fatty liver is due to poor metabolism, which causes two kinds of diseases.

First, over-nutrition, spring is mostly the reason, winter chicks feed intake is relatively high in chicken battery cages ,after a winter, causing excess nutrients, excess energy is stored in the form of fat, especially in the liver, eventually forming fatty liver . If no measures are taken at this time, it is easy to cause continuous death of the laying hens, and some can continue into the summer.

Second, lack of nutrition, as well as lack of vitamins, also includes the lack of absorbable proteins in the feed. The lack of these substances can affect the transport of fat from the liver and form dystrophic fatty liver. Fatty liver caused by this condition, the laying hens are relatively light weight. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine and strengthen the feed nutrition. Can not blindly pursue the low price of feed. It is best to choose a feed to ensure the quality of the bulk material. The formula is adjusted strictly according to the needs of each laying hen.

20 Feb

Improve laying rate of laying hens in winter and spring

Since the beginning of winter, with the temperature drop, the laying rate of many laying hens will be reduced to varying degrees, which will cause considerable losses to the breeders who have not been able to raise chickens. So how do you make the laying hens fully play their production performance in winter and spring, maintain stable and high yield, and then get good economic benefits?

1. Strengthen nutrition.

The weather is cold, the energy consumption of the laying hens increases, and the feed intake will increase accordingly. At this time, the laying hens should feed the compound feed with higher heat energy, and adjust the feed formula to enhance the ability of the laying hens to keep out the cold. Feed 4 to 5 times a day. Conditionally, let the chicken drink clean warm water. Many farmers increase egg production by adding 3% to 5% of the oil to the feed diet or by adding 0.2% choline chloride to the diet.

2. To enhance heating and insulation.

Laying hens have a higher egg production rate at 17-21 °C; when the temperature is lower than 5 °C, the egg production rate decreases; if the temperature is too low, the feed consumption will increase. Therefore, the appropriate temperature is the key to ensuring stable and high yield of laying hens. Before every cold current comes, we must carefully check the doors, windows, walls, etc., especially to prevent the invasion of thieves. If conditions permit, heating can be done through facilities such as coal stoves and floor heating stoves.

3. Strengthen ventilated take a breath

While doing a good job of heat preservation, be sure to pay attention to the ventilation of the chicken house. Many chicken farmers tend to pay attention to heat preservation and neglect ventilation, resulting in poor air flow in the house, harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and ammonia, and insufficient oxygen, causing strong stress on the chicken body, causing respiratory diseases, which in turn affect the chickens. Normal egg production. It is recommended to ventilate at noon with no wind and no wind.

4. To properly supplement the lighting.

Lack of light in winter, short time of natural light, easy to drop the rate of egg production.Therefore, artificial supplementary illumination should be adopted.Daily light should not be less than 16.5 hours, should pay attention to the daily light time can not suddenly increase, to gradually increase the light time, otherwise easy to cause rectocele.

5. To strengthen the epidemic prevention.

In the winter and spring, the high incidence of laying hens mainly includes chronic respiratory diseases, atypical Newcastle disease and infectious laryngotracheitis, so in the winter, the chicken houses should be disinfected regularly. Generally, it is carried out once every 5~7 days, and the disinfectant should be used in a cross rotation. The time is generally better at noon in normal weather. It is also possible to regularly put some heat-clearing and detoxifying Chinese herbal medicines for prevention; vaccination and weather changes should increase the number of electrolysis in drinking water for several days; at the same time, it should be immunized on time according to procedures to prevent other infectious diseases.

Note: be sure to clean the poultry battery cages in time to avoid bacteria breeding

6. It is necessary to clean the chickens in time.

In order to ensure the health of the flock and the high egg production rate in winter, the weak and low-yielding chickens should be eliminated in time to ensure that the flocks have higher uniformity and lower the ratio of eggs to eggs, thus creating higher breeding benefits.


19 Feb

Some common symptoms of chicken disease

Chickens are inevitably sick when raising chickens, but they must be prevented at all times. What is the performance of sick chicken?

1, you can first observe the cockscomb, whether there is obvious color change near the eyes; and whether the chicken's mouth is abnormal, you can also observe whether the chicken head is abnormal, etc., these are relatively straight to see.

2, can compare the food consumption of chicken, if the chicken's food intake drops significantly, it is very likely that it is ill. For chickens who eat less or not eat, it is best to check carefully.

3, sometimes more observation of chicken manure can also be seen whether the chicken is sick, if the chicken manure is sparse, long-term sparse, it may be sick. The second is the color of chicken manure. If the color of green and flesh red appears to be ill, it is necessary to treat it.

Sometimes you can go to the chicken battery cages at night to hear if there is any sound. Normal chickens will be quiet at night. If there are sick chickens, their breathing will be abnormal. I hope that these will bring you some help.

18 Feb

Is it better to raise chickens in open chicken houses or closed chicken houses?

1. The advantages of the open house are that the design, building materials, construction process and internal installation conditions are simple, the cost is low, energy is saved, and the investment is small. In the case of a sports field and green feed, the requirements for the feed are not strict, and Chickens can be active, with good adaptability and strong physical fitness.

The shortcoming is that the chicken's physiological condition and production performance are affected by changes in external conditions. It is open management, and the chicken body is likely to be infected by various means such as insects, birds, soil, air, etc.; More. In particular, the chicken house is greatly affected by the external environment, the temperature regulation effect is not obvious, especially the light is not easy to control, and the sexual maturity of the chicken cannot be well controlled. The seasonality of production is extremely obvious, which is not conducive to balanced production and guarantee the normal market. Supply is not applicable in cold regions.

2. Semi-enclosed is the advantage of the chicken house: when natural conditions such as light, temperature, etc. are suitable for the growth of the flock, as with the open house, natural conditions can be used to meet the growth and production of the flock. When the natural conditions are not suitable for the production and growth of the flock, if the temperature is low, the heating equipment can be activated to provide suitable temperature for the flock to produce; when the temperature is too high, the cooling device can be started and ventilated. The equipment is cooled and ventilated to provide a suitable environment for the flock to produce; when the external environment is free of wind, the ventilation device can be activated for ventilation.

The disadvantage is that the sealing is relatively poor, and when the vertical ventilation is used to cool down, the effect is not good. It is also not suitable for cold areas and cannot be insulated during winter.

3. The advantage of the closed chicken house is that the roof and the four walls are well separated and have good thermal insulation ability, which can eliminate or reduce the influence of some unfavorable natural factors such as severe cold, squally wind and heavy rain on the flock. Controlling the sexual maturity of chickens, providing a more suitable living and production environment for the chickens; the well-closed houses are basically closed to prevent the introduction of diseases by natural media; artificially controlling the light can help control the sex of the chickens. Mature and stimulating laying of eggs, it is also convenient for the chickens to limit feeding, forced moulting and other measures. The activity of the chicken is restricted and the heat dissipation of the chicken body is reduced during the cold season, so the feed compensation is increased.

The shortcomings are high investment in construction and poultry feeding equipment, high construction standards and a large number of ancillary equipment; high stocking density, the chances of chickens infecting each other with diseases; ventilation, lighting, feeding and drinking water all rely on electricity, requiring There must be a reliable power supply, otherwise there will be a serious impact on the production of chickens in the event of a power outage.


15 Feb

How to Improve the Environment of Chicken Farm

The environment of the chicken factory is also very important for the health of the chicken. The number of breeding is increasing and the density is getting bigger and bigger. Then there are many problems in the environment of the chicken farm. How to improve it?

The sanitation of the chicken factory is not clean, the disinfection awareness is not strong, and the disinfection equipment is not used at all, and it does not function effectively. Or buy a cheap disinfectant, most do not target the virus and bacteria in the house to choose a targeted disinfectant, the temperature of the house will be lower when disinfected, the closure is poor, the chicken will be in the sterilized house It is easy to cross-infect with chicken stalls that are not disinfected, increasing the risk of breeding.

Provide more ventilation management and timely control of temperature and humidity in poultry farming cage. Ventilation should be carried out to ensure the air quality when ensuring the proper temperature in the house. The discarded drugs should be treated in a harmless manner to ensure no pollution and prevent the spread of pathogens.

13 Feb

Precautions for raising chickens in spring

The use of chicken cages to raise chickens is a popular chicken raising method in the chicken industry. The chicken cages are raised in a multi-layer cage. The breeding density is large and the number is large. It is very popular among farmers, using chicken cages to raise chickens, and which are Need to pay attention to the chickens to pay attention to the matter, only pay attention to all aspects of feeding points, scientific and reasonable breeding can be able to raise the higher yield of the chickens, the following authors to tell the majority of farmers to use the chicken battery cages in spring Chicken's precautions.

1. Prevent cold stress

Henhouse at low temperature, to appropriately increase the proportion of the energy feed, increase feed quantity, generally l - 2 days before the cold wave, every bird increased feed 10-20 grams per day, every 3 ℃, below the temperature should be 5 g to feed more than chicken feed.Additional, can the day before the air temperature dips suddenly, feed the medicaments that prevents cold stress to the chicken, can use rebound source 3 days continuously, 400-500 catty expect/bottle.In addition, the scheme can also effectively prevent and control the Yang damage caused by external wind chill, such as feather changing, shed expanding, wet curtain and fan opening, etc..

2. Immune stress prevention

Before vaccination, check whether the chickens are healthy and should be used with caution in unhealthy or weak flocks;Two days before and two days after vaccination, chickens were given anti-stress drugs to improve their resistance and reduce the stress response.If a chicken develops respiratory symptoms or diarrhea after vaccination, use golden bezoar - used in the respiratory system to resolve phlegm problems.

3. Avoid group panic

(1) keep quiet inside and outside the chicken coop and surrounding environment.
(2) the keeper should keep relatively stable, fix the working clothes and procedures, and move gently.Unauthorized personnel are strictly prohibited to enter the chicken coop.
(3) strictly prevent dogs, cats, rats and other animals into the hen house.
(4) feed processing, loading and unloading should be away from the chicken coop.
(5) the addition of 1000g of large tonic feed per ton of compound feed can prevent and reduce the occurrence of stress.

Disease prevention

1. Formulate reasonable epidemic prevention procedures according to the situation of infectious diseases in the region and the actual situation, and carry out epidemic prevention on a regular basis.

2. Every four weeks or so in the feed to add large tonic, continuous use 3-5 days, enhance the disease resistance of chicken.

3. Add a certain amount of recovery source + golden Abe into drinking water, and prevent and control colds, bird flu (balloon inflammation, peritonitis, bronchial embolism) and adenomyogastritis in the whole process.At the same time, we need to carefully observe the chickens, early detection, isolation, diagnosis and treatment of sick chickens, proper treatment of sick chickens.

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