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15 Mar

Chicken raising points in summer

1. Due to the high temperature in summer, we need to pay attention to the poultry farming equipment prevention measures of the laying hens to ensure the nutritional intake of the laying hens. The temperature in the chicken houses should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius, so as to avoid the economic loss caused by the death of chickens caused by heat stress.

2. In order to maintain the right temperature, we can choose to reduce the stocking density of cage chickens in the summer. In order to avoid overcrowding the house.

3. In summer, the temperature is too high and the weather is hot. It is necessary to add water to the chickens in time to ensure that there are enough drinking fountains in the cages to provide enough water for the chickens.

4. Appropriately improve the nutrients needed by chickens, supplement the nutrients lost by chickens, and prevent the frequency of egg production.

5. In the summer, it is necessary to clean the chicken manure in the chicken house in time, so as to avoid the ammonia and harmful substances in the chicken house will cause chicken disease and respiratory infection, pay attention to ventilation, pay attention to the health of the house, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

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