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21 May

Chicken farmers should focus on key points

People need nutrition, and chicken is also needed. Why do chickens lack nutrients in the daily chicken raising process? What is the reason for the lack of nutrients in chickens?

The presence of mycotoxins is very harmful to all kinds of chicken systems, especially the immunity of the flock. These missing immunity require higher nutrition to fill, or there will be nutritional deficiencies.

Excessive pursuit of growth rate, some broiler farmers, in order to allow chickens to quickly gain weight and gain weight, often provide chickens with some excessive energy and high protein feed. In this way, although the chicken grows faster, the liver and kidney bear too much burden, which will cause a series of problems, including the decline of immunity.

The epidemic is frequent, and today's chicken disease epidemic is becoming more and more common and more and more difficult to suppress. The reasons are more and more complicated and the performance is more and more diversified. In addition to damaging the health of the chicken, the epidemic will also reduce the immunity of the flock and bring a lot of secondary infections. At this time, more nutrients are needed for them.

Stress factors Chickens, small, small, courageous, slightly windy, high temperature and low temperature, they may be scared or stimulated, this is called stress. Stress can encroach on the nutrients in the chicken and reduce the immunity of the flock. In this case, the demand for nutrients in chickens will be higher in poultry farming equipment for sale.


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