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29 May

Basic principles for efficient chicken raising

In order to obtain good benefits in the process of raising chickens and achieve efficient chicken raising, farmers must master modern and scientific chicken raising techniques. Only the growth and production characteristics of the flock, feeding points, feeding and epidemic prevention can be reasonably mastered, and the flocks can exert good growth and production performance, so that the farmers can obtain better benefits. In order to help the farmers to take less detours in the breeding, the following authors will introduce you to the basic principles and key points of efficient chicken raising.

1. Do a good job in the management of chicken houses: intensive, large-scale farmers should put the management of chicken houses and chicken cages in an important position. Regardless of the management of the house environment or the management of the flock, the management of the chicken farm staff should be taken seriously. The core issue of management is coordination. Only management is good, and execution is less problematic and no problem.

2. To be bio-safe: Only if the chickens are healthy can the chickens play their proper production performance, so the farmers must be healthy in the process of raising them. Anti-epidemic should be caught in place, strictly disinfected, effectively isolated, flies and rodents, all in and out.

3. To do a good job in chicken farm immunization: immunization should pay attention to Newcastle disease, flu, and spread the disease, and blastocyst is more suitable for hatchery immunization. The immune effect is by eye, nose and subcutaneous injection (the broiler considers the effect of oil seedling on the quality of chicken, does not advocate intramuscular injection), the spray is more reliable, and the drinking water immune loopholes and problems are still many, but many chicken farms are just accustomed to drinking water immunity.

4. Do a good job of brooding and humidification: humidification in the early stage of brooding is necessary. Use a sprayer or a mist spray to warm the water at a temperature of about 60 degrees (the temperature will not drop due to the spray).

5. Do a good job in employee training: Most chicken farms now rely on a lot of chicken raising equipment to control the environment of the chicken house and help to complete the chicken work, but if the staff is unfamiliar with the equipment, the operation is not standardized, or the operation is wrong or wrong. If it will seriously affect the control of the chicken house environment and normal feeding and feeding, farmers should overcome it by strengthening on-site training.

6. To do the broiler de-warming: For the users of broiler chickens, the whole process of broiler chicken temperature should be strictly enforced, from about 35 degrees on the 1st day to about 21 degrees on the 40th day, otherwise there will be no good. Growth rate and feed to meat ratio.

7. It is necessary to do a good job in raising chickens and environmental protection: environmental protection issues must be taken seriously. Waste water, smoke, feces, dead chickens, etc. must be handled in strict accordance with relevant state regulations. Violation of the law will cause operational risks in chicken farms.

8. It is necessary to do a good job of standard medicine: standardize medication, scientific use of medicine, use less medicine, eliminate drug residues, and implement food safety.







29 May

Extend the skill of laying eggs

The ultimate goal of raising chickens in poultry farming equipment is to increase the efficiency. The higher the egg production of the laying hens, the better the economic benefits of the farmers. Therefore, many farmers will find some feeding techniques for the laying hens to produce more eggs, so as to improve economic efficiency and extend production. At the peak of the egg, you can't blindly raise it, and you need to carry out scientific feeding methods.

1,Adjust the ratio of energy protein in feed: Whether the ratio of energy and protein in feed is appropriate is related to the performance of laying hens. Many farmers have more than 21% crude protein in chicken feed, and chickens take
too much protein. One increases the burden on the kidneys, causing the protein to become uric acid excreted with the feces, causing waste; the second is that the high protein feed price is expensive, resulting in higher feed costs.

2,Protein supplementation: During the laying of laying hens, farmers should pay attention to the sufficient protein. Farmers should feed different standard compound feeds, especially protein content, according to different egg
production rates.

3, control energy: Although energy is the principle and nutrition of laying hens, but during the laying period, farmers should pay attention to control the energy content, strictly control the energy level in the feed, on the one hand
can prevent the chicken body from being overweight, on the other hand Prevent feed waste.

4,Reasonable calcium supplementation: Calcium is an indispensable nutrient for laying hens. Generally, laying hens will be deficient in calcium during laying, so farmers should pay attention to calcium supplementation in laying hens at
12-18 hours per day.

5,supplemental lighting: the intensity of light and the time of light will affect the performance of laying hens.

6,Strengthen feeding management: In order to ensure the smooth performance of laying performance of laying hens, farmers should pay attention to the critical period when the chickens reach their peak. They must try their best to create
all suitable conditions, reduce various stress factors and maintain the health of the chickens. High production and stable production, extending the duration of the peak period.

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