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04 Jul

Method for reducing waste of chicken feed

When farmers raise chickens, the purchase of chicken feed is also a small economic investment. Today, poultry farming equipment manufacturers start from the fundamental interests of farmers, and introduce farmers to several ways to reduce feed waste, thus saving farmers a portion of the economic cost of feed.

1. Feed full-price compound feed. Many farmers often use a single feed to feed chickens. Because of their single nutrition, they often eat more food, produce less, have smaller eggs, and have lower feed returns. Therefore, full-price compound feed should be used in production.

2. Raising high-yielding laying hens. At present, there are still many farmers in the rural areas to raise soil breeders. Although these chickens have strong disease resistance, they often eat more food and produce less eggs, which inevitably causes waste of feed.

3. Turn free range into chicken layer battery cage farming. The range of free-range chickens is large, the chicken body consumes a lot of material, and the feed is wasted. When it is changed to cage, it can reduce a lot of unnecessary feed waste.

4. The inside of the trough should be edged. The side of the trough can prevent the chicken from feeding out during the feeding process, which can effectively reduce feed waste.

5. Reduce materials in time. When the laying hens have peaked in egg production, they should be reduced in time. The method is: according to the chicken day, reduce the amount of 2.5 grams, observe 3-4 days, to see if the drop in egg production rate is normal. If it is normal, it can be reduced by 1-2 grams per day. If there is still no abnormality, it can be dropped by another three grams. This will not affect the production of eggs, but also prevent the body from being over-fertilized, which can ensure the supply of nutrients and reduce the waste of feed.

6. Eliminate low-yield chickens in time. Timely elimination of low-yield chickens can effectively save feed. In production, the first is to timely eliminate low-yield chickens that have not been opened or have been produced for 30-35 weeks of age, but have a short egg production period. Second, they must eliminate chickens that are often closed, overweight or overweight. Small and thin chickens, chickens with severe cockroaches; Third, chickens with poor growth, disability, weak chickens, strong nesting and early maturity during the whole group.

The above is a way to save money for farmers during the use of equipment in large poultry farms. I hope I can help you.








04 Jul

Winter egg hens should pay attention to what should be paid attention to

The winter weather is relatively cold. In order to increase the egg production, the light in the chicken house is also an important part. Due to the extended light time, the feed intake and activity of the laying hens are increased, which can effectively increase the egg production.



1. The light-filling time of the chicken house is not as long as possible. It should be adequate, and it will not extend the time of filling and does not affect the rest of the laying hen. Some people are trying to extend the light- filling time and illuminate the whole room. This is the wrong approach. Generally, it is used in the evening and in the morning. In the evening, you don't need to turn on the lights in the dark, you have to turn on the lights at 18~21; turn on the lights at 4-6 in the morning.

2, to turn on the lights every day, can not think of it, turn on the lights, forget not to turn on the lights. It is necessary to have regularity, otherwise it will disrupt the living rules of laying hens, which is counterproductive and affects the laying rate of laying hens in automatic poultry farming.

3, there are umbrellas on the lights, you can collect light, so that the light is concentrated to the ground, make full use of the light source, generally in a chicken house of about 20 square meters, install a 60-watt electric light. The height of the lamp is still preferably radiated to the ground. The wattage of the lamp should not be too large, and it must be both economical and practical. The lighting time of laying hens is generally no more than 14 hours, that is, lighting time during the day.

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