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19 Jun

What kinds of minerals do chickens need when laying chickens in laying cages?

When laying chickens in laying hen cages, the mineral elements in the chicken body are about 4%, most of which are present in bones and teeth. The mineral content of eggs is 1.7%, and most of them are concentrated in eggshells. There are many types of mineral elements, but there are 14 main types commonly used in chicken production. Among them, 7 kinds of calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, and sodium are used as constant elements. Iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, and diamond are used in small amounts and are called trace elements.

In the past, the breeding of chickens was mostly free-range. The outside soil is rich in mineral elements, and chickens can eat freely. At present, the chicken industry has gradually developed into large-scale intensive breeding. In the breeding process of laying chicken cages, it is often found that the deficiency occurs due to the lack of a certain substance, so more and more mineral elements are paid attention to and applied by people.

Among these elements, chickens need the most calcium and phosphorus. The main role of calcium and phosphorus is to form bones, teeth, and eggshells. Calcium is necessary for blood clotting and normal heart function with sodium and potassium. Chicks suffer from chondrosis when calcium is deficient; eggshells become thinner when the calcium is deficient, egg production decreases, and even shellless eggs appear. Phosphorus is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism and maintains the body's acid-base balance. When phosphorus is deficient, the chicken's appetite decreases, growth is slow, and in severe cases the joints are hardened and the bones are brittle. Sodium can keep the digestive juice of the chicken alkaline, and help digestive enzymes. The vertical effect is to maintain the acidity of gastric juice. When salt is lacking, chickens will have anal pecking, blood feeding and other ills. The body weight and egg weight of laying hens are reduced, and the egg production rate is reduced. Manganese is related to the growth of bones and the reproduction of chickens. When manganese is insufficient, the bones of chicks are dysplasia, prone to flexion leg disease, and growth is hindered; the lack of manganese in adult chickens results in low egg production and hatchability and thin egg shells. The content of zinc in chicken is very small, but it is widely distributed. Bone, hair, liver, pancreas, kidney, muscle and enzymes all contain zinc.

Chickens grow slowly when they are deficient in zinc, and have poorly developed feathers and skin. In severe cases, their feet are short, and the surface is scaly and dermatitis. Iron is present in hemoglobin and certain oxidases in tissue cells. When iron is insufficient, anemia is prone to occur. Copper and iron are involved in the formation of hemoglobin. When the feed is deficient in copper, iron is poorly absorbed and anemia also occurs. Iodine is related to thyroid function activity, when iodine deficiency can cause goiter. Selenium can treat chicken exudative quality disease, pancreatic degeneration and muscular stomach and myocardial dystrophy in turkey. The United States and Canada generally recommend adding selenium to chick diets.

In addition to the above several elements, laying hen cage manufacturers believe that the remaining constant and trace elements are not easy to be lacked in chicken diets.

10 Jun

What kind of feed is best for laying chickens in layer cages?

For users who use laying hen cages to raise chickens, laying hens can have high yields. In addition to selecting cages and environmental management, feed management is also very important. The healthy and normal growth of laying hens is inseparable from balanced feed nutrients, so for high-yield and healthy laying hens, farmers must feed balanced nutrients. So what kind of feed is best for laying chickens in chicken battery cages?

1. Carbohydrate feed: This kind of feed ingredient is the main ingredient in chicken feed, accounting for about 50%-80% of the total feed. Carbohydrate-containing substances include rice, broken rice, corn, tares, wheat, rice bran, bran, etc.

2. Protein feed: The feed contains protein components, which are important substances for the cells of the chicken flock and the material basis for all life activities of the chicken flock. There are many kinds of substances containing protein components, among which animal feeds include fish meal, silkworm pupa, blood meal, earthworm and so on. The protein content of this ingredient is relatively rich, so farmers can properly mix in the feed, which can promote the development of embryos, the growth of chicks and the formation of eggs. Vegetable protein feeds include beans and oil cakes. This type of feed has a wide range of sources, low cost, and complete nutrition.

3. Vitamin feed: The feed contains vitamins and is a necessary feed ingredient for the growth, reproduction and production of laying hens and for maintaining life activities. And such nutrients can only be obtained from feed, so it is an important feed ingredient. Vitamin-rich substances include clover. Vegetables include all kinds of vegetables and foot leaves of vegetable farms; melons and leaves. This kind of feed is rich in vitamins. As long as the supply can be guaranteed, it can not only promote the growth and development of chickens, ensure the health of chickens, increase the production of meat and eggs, but also increase the utilization rate of the department for better economic results.

4. Mineral feed: There are many types of minerals. Minerals play an important role in the growth and health of chickens. Substances containing mineral ingredients include eggshell powder, shell powder, stone powder, bone powder, and salt. It can be blended into the mix, or placed in a chicken house, allowing the chickens to self-feed.

5. Feed additives: it is to mix the trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants, chemical drugs, etc. necessary for chickens in an appropriate ratio and add them to the mixed feed. In order to reduce the diseases caused by the deficiency of certain vitamins and trace elements, promote the growth and development of chicks and the production capacity of adult chickens.

The above is the specific points that the author tells for the farmers, what feed is good for laying chickens in the cage. In addition, farmers are reminded that although feed additives have a relatively large role, they cannot be abused and used for many purposes. At the same time, it must be stirred evenly in the feed, and the use period should not exceed 1 week. Antibiotic and anthelmintic drugs must be replaced in a planned manner. Do not always use the same drugs to prevent and treat a disease, so as to prevent drug resistance, but it will not prevent diseases.

02 Jun

What issues should be paid attention to when raising chickens in summer?

Summer is a season with high temperature, most of the pathogens are killed, and the epidemic situation of the flocks is much less. However, due to the high temperature and high accidents of chickens in summer, the farmers must pay attention to prevention during daily feeding management. Let's take a look at the precautions for the summer chicken farm. The authors will tell you about the advantages and precautions of using chicken battery cages keep chickens:

1. Chicken cages are used in multi-layer cages, so it is necessary to breed three or four times more chickens than the flats, so that the farmers can increase the benefits from the quantity, and the chickens grow and produce in the cages. It is convenient for farmers to manage the flocks, and the sanitary environment of the house can be better maintained.

2. In chicken cages, chickens are not directly exposed to feces, so cages can greatly reduce the disease caused by fecal infections, reduce the incidence of disease, and facilitate the handling of feces.

3. The use of poultry chicken battery cages to raise chickens allows the chickens to eat enough and the location of the water to ensure that each chicken can get reasonable drinking and feeding, so that the uniformity of the flock is very good.

4. Reducing the labor intensity of the farmers, if the use of flat raising is not only the number of raising, but also the management of the farmer alone, although the number of cages is increased, the cages are not hindered by the cages and the farmers are more likely to be managed. Although the labor intensity is increased, it is reduced.



Should to pay attention:

1. Pay attention to the temperature of the house
Chickens are resistant to freezing and heat and are very sensitive to high temperatures. If the temperature in the house continues to rise above 32 °C, the flock will have a heat stress reaction, open mouth breathing, half open wings, loss of appetite, or fall in the chicken cage, not willing to move. If the temperature of the house is above 35 °C, the chicken will have a fainting reaction and even cause a large area of chicken death.

Therefore, in the usual inspection of chicken farms, if large groups of chickens are found to breathe and drink more, especially physical fitness and obesity are more obvious. At this time, we must quickly think of ways to cool the chicken house, you can sprinkle water in the chicken house, it is best to spray down, or open the fan. For mentally degraded or fainting chickens, quickly transfer to a cool place, you can put blood on the cockscomb or wings, and add multi-dimensional in the chicken drinking water to speed up the recovery of the flock.

2. Pay attention to the chicken line problem

In the summer, in order to cool the house, high-power appliances such as fans are used. With more electricity, the load pressure on the line is large. Because of the excessive load on the line or the aging of the line, the fires that cause the farm to suffer a devastating blow are everywhere. Our farmers have to pay special attention. In the summer, you must use electricity safely, check the circuit in time, replace the aging wires, and prohibit the burning of flammable and explosive materials in the chicken house.


3. Pay attention to the number of dead chickens

It is normal for chickens, large or small, to die every day in large-scale chicken farms (mostly uncontrollable deaths of weak chickens). If you find that the number of dead chickens suddenly increases for several days, you should pay attention. It is recommended to collect the dead chickens, and to dissect more than one, to find out the reasons, and to take measures to prevent greater casualties.

The summer weather is hot, and the egg production rate will drop, especially after entering the sky, so the farmers need to manage the egg production rate in the summer. Strengthen the ventilation and ventilation of the layer chicken battery cages. In the summer, the ventilation can not only cool down, but also ensure the air is fresh. Evaporative cooling methods such as wet curtains, sprays, and roof sprays can be used. Evaporative cooling is a better cooling method at present, but it should be noted that when using a wet curtain to cool down, there should be an openable air inlet near the wet curtain. When the humidity exceeds 70%, the wet curtain should be closed and opened. Ventilation at the air inlet.


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