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18 Jan

Fully automatic chicken raising equipment factory analyzes the lighting problems of chicken farms

Which type of house lighting is suitable? How to arrange it properly? Many farmers are not clear about this issue, and some farmers even ignore the problem of lighting equipment in chicken farms. The fully automated chicken raising equipment manufacturer would like to give you a brief analysis of the lighting problems of the chicken farm.

Poultry equipment manufacturers found that many chicken farms are currently using energy-saving lamps. Because the service life of energy-saving lamps is not long, some farmers will add a spherical lampshade to the lamp to play the role of waterproof and dustproof, and prolong the service life of the lighting lamp.



Here, the manufacturer would like to remind everyone that for the laying hen house in the battery chicken cages, the lighting devices should be arranged as high and low as possible, and try not to install them on the same horizontal line.

Some farms will specially install lighting and dimming equipment, and use LED lights to adjust the light intensity of the chicken farm. The lighting equipment in the fully automated chicken breeding equipment has two installation methods: DC dimming and AC dimming, which is easy to install and operate. welcomed by all,

17 Jan

Why are laying hens easy to catch cold at night?

The most common thing in poultry farms now is the automated layer cage system. After raising chickens for a long time, farmers all know that chickens will have respiratory symptoms when they catch a cold. At the same time, the resistance of chickens will also decrease. At the same time, it will induce a large number of secondary infections, such as Escherichia coli, Newcastle disease and so on. Through our careful summary, we found that chickens are much more likely to catch a cold at night than during the day. What is the main reason for this?

Poor management.

The farmers have a better understanding of the local weather, and close the vents at night to reduce the ventilation volume and ensure the temperature of the chicken house. But after a busy day, people are more tired, and it is easy to doze off, causing the chicken to catch a cold. Sometimes, the weather changes suddenly, and the farmers do not reduce ventilation in time, and cold stress can also occur, causing the chickens to catch cold. Chickens are even more difficult to manage when they are cold-stressed for various reasons and have a cold. Especially in the case of high-density breeding with battery chicken cages, the ambient air quality of the chicken house is poor, and pathogenic bacteria spread rapidly through the air, and chickens will soon develop secondary infection.



Decreased activity

Farmers rest at night, and the chickens we manage will also rest at night. At this time, the activity of the chicken is reduced, and the heat generated by itself is also reduced. Chickens are more sensitive to outside temperature. In this case, chickens are more likely to catch colds when the temperature is the same during the day and at night.

night observation

Many farmers are prone to management errors when they are tired at night. Pay special attention to the flock at night, especially after two o'clock in the evening. After the chicken rests at night, it is relatively quiet. We go into the house to observe the flocks, and we can get a good understanding of the respiratory symptoms and the feces of the flocks. It can detect the abnormal situation of chickens in time and control the disease quickly.

Poultry equipment manufacturers share the reasons why laying hens are prone to colds at night, so farmers must immunize their flocks to prevent this from happening, and usually strengthen the feeding and management of chickens to ensure adequate nutrition and improve the disease resistance of chickens.

13 Jan

How to make money raising chickens?

At present, the demand for chicken and chicken products in the market is getting higher and higher, and it is worth investing in a chicken raising project. If you want to raise chickens to make money, farmers not only need to devote themselves to the flock but also need other work. 

The first is to build the chicken house. First of all, you need to determine whether to breed broilers or laying hens, and then build according to the breed.

Selection of chicks. To start poultry farming, the choice of chicks is the main first step for you to make money or not to make money. Chicken chicks are living things, and you must not buy which one is cheap! Because chick manufacturers are not stupid, there are many reasons for the cheap price. Farmers must be careful to buy these pits on the way of chicks, and they will have endless troubles! When selecting chicks, blind, paralyzed, disabled chicks, deformed chicks, and too small and weak chicks should be removed and eliminated. Of course, the characteristics of each variety should also be strictly selected according to the requirements.



Buy automatic chicken raising equipment. The use of poultry equipment makes raising chickens a much simpler task, which can reduce labor costs. Automatic management of the chicken house, farmers do not have to worry about feeding, drinking water, cleaning manure, collecting eggs, suitable for environmental management. Automated poultry equipment systems can all be done.

Flock feeding management. You need to learn how to handle and manage epidemics, emergencies. Incorrect feeding determines whether your flock can grow healthily.

Sales. For the breeding industry, sales are a big problem, and no one can recycle it has become a big problem. For self-raised farmers, in fact, the market for broilers and eggs is still quite large. In the sales process, we promote fast sales, and we can't wait for the market to improve, otherwise we will gradually fall into it.

The above is the basic process of raising chickens shared by poultry equipment manufacturers. If you want to make money through poultry farming projects, you need your efforts.

12 Jan

Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of battery chicken cages for raising chickens?

  • The number of laying hens raising in battery chicken cages is 3 to 5 times larger than that of flat laying hens, and the full use of the site area improves the stocking density and work efficiency.
  • The use of multi-layer chicken cage technology for caged laying hens can make full use of space and facilitate management. In the case of a small number of breeding by this method, it is not necessary to set up special breeding personnel, and the feed can be added before going to get off work. That's it, and other time can be used for egg picking, manure cleaning, etc.
  • Using this method can save feed and reduce waste of feed. Because laying hens eat, exercise and rest in the cage, more reasonable feeding and water feeding methods are adopted during feeding, and it is not easy to cause the phenomenon of feeding waste. The consumption of each feed is about 25g less than that of free-range laying hens, which can save about 20% of the feed. For large-scale laying hens, it can significantly improve the economic benefits of breeding.
  • It is convenient for the prevention and control of diseases. The laying hens live in the chicken cages, and the feces fall into the ground through the gaps, which avoids the direct contact between the laying hens and the feces, thereby reducing the occurrence of diseases.
  • In addition, due to the fixed position of laying hens, when individual laying hens are sick, it is easy to locate the sick chickens in isolation and raise and treat them. At the same time, it can reduce the chance of infection of other healthy chickens and effectively control the development of the disease. The egg production rate of caged laying hens is relatively stable, because it is less affected by changes in external natural conditions.
  • Raised in the house, the breeding environment is relatively stable, which reduces the disturbance of the bad environment, so that the egg production rate is relatively stable, and the surface of the eggs produced is clean and there is less manure.




Although caged laying hens have many advantages, they also have certain disadvantages.

  • The egg production in this breeding mode is relatively less than that of flat laying hens. Because a large number of poultry layer cages are required for breeding, the breeding cost is increased, and the production investment is relatively large.
  • Under cage conditions, the movement of laying hens is hindered, insufficient exercise and other factors, the appearance and bone development of laying hens are poor, and the quality of eggs will also be affected. Annual egg production is prone to egg production fatigue and affects the survival rate and production performance of laying hens.
12 Jan

Advantages of smart chicken raising equipment

The battery chicken cages technology has the advantages of saving land, reducing environmental pollution, reducing feeding costs, improving investment utilization and labor productivity.

  1. Layered feeding equipment for laying hens

The feeding and environmental regulation and production equipment control devices are installed in the feeding management room. The cage is equipped with a screw-type automatic feeding system, a belt-type horizontal manure cleaner, an automatic egg collection system, a nipple drinker, and an automatic dosing device.



  1. Environmental control facilities

In the summer, the vertical ventilation-wet pad cooling system is used for the negative pressure ventilation of the chicken house, and the wet pad water pump is disabled in other seasons. In addition to installing the wet curtain-fan ventilation system in the brooding house, it is also necessary to enable the uniform heat supply air system such as coal-fired positive pressure during the low temperature period in winter to ensure the normal growth of the chicks. The chicken house is equipped with an intelligent data acquisition and environmental management self-control system to realize the automatic control of lighting, ventilation, cooling and heating in the house.

  1. Feeding management system
  • Feeding, manure cleaning, egg collection, and epidemic prevention layered cage feeding is controlled by a timing device, and the feeding control program is set according to the feed intake of laying hens in different breeding periods. sent to the trough. Chicken manure is discharged from the horizontal manure belt and the lateral manure removal ditch at the end of the house, and the manure is cleaned once in the morning and in the afternoon. The automatic egg collection system can complete the conveying, cleaning and disinfection of eggs. In actual production, rail cars can also be set up on the cages for manual egg collection. Through the automatic dosing device connected to the drinking water system, the disease prevention work of the flock can be conveniently carried out. The lamination cage process is mechanized and highly automated, and a responsibility system is adopted in production organization and management, and the labor efficiency of personnel is high.
  • Environmental control. The key to the success or failure of automated chicken raising equipment lies in the control of the environment in the house. The dense chicken body produces a lot of heat and harmful gases, and effective environmental control measures must be taken to control the house temperature and air quality.

The above is the introduction of poultry equipment manufacturers to the advantages of chicken raising equipment.

11 Jan

Daily maintenance of automatic chicken raising equipment

Automatic chicken raising equipment is essential for modern poultry farms. They can achieve the necessary equipment for different breeding farms. What should be done in the maintenance of this automated poultry equipment?

The production process of the egg picking system in the automation technology chicken raising equipment is not complicated. When applied, most of the people can control the chicken shed chicken raising equipment of 30,000 to 40,000 birds, and the maintenance is also relatively convenient. If the basket speed cannot keep up, you can press the pause button of the electrical control cabinet immediately.



It should be clear to everyone that chicken cages are divided into ladder chicken cages and battery chicken cages. The key difference between the two is that the automatic poultry manure clean system is different. Because the manure cleaning belt and the motor of the transmission system cannot be in a long-term load operation state for a long time; the vertical manure cleaning machine must be turned off in advance before operation, and the two systems must be ensured during maintenance and application.

The feeding system of automatic chicken raising equipment is mainly driven by the reducer and traction belt to drive the feeding and driving. It is not easy to cause major problems when the maintenance method and the method of the manure cleaner are applied. The application steps can ensure the normal application of the machine equipment.

The above are the daily maintenance points of automated poultry equipment summarized by poultry equipment manufacturers.

08 Jan

Poultry cages for layers help farmers get good profits

Poultry layer cages can obtain good benefits when used in poultry breeding. Because daily feeding and daily management of farmers have become very easy.

Whether it is the management of the chicken house or the management of the flock, it is very important. Any improper management will affect the healthy growth and production of chickens, and will naturally affect the benefits of farmers. Therefore, poultry equipment manufacturers have summarized a few common overlooked areas in the daily management of farmers, and expect farmers Be able to pay more attention.

You should pay attention to quality when buy chicken cages. Some farmers, regardless of the quality of the layer cages and whether the structure is reasonable, buy the cheapest cages when they choose when they choose, thinking that they can reduce some costs, but poorly structured cages will not help the growth of the chickens. It hurts the chickens, and the service life of chicken battery cages that are of unreliable quality will not be very long, which invisibly increases the breeding cost.



Many poultry layer cage farmers pay attention to disinfection, which makes the harmful gas and bacteria in the chicken house multiply, which seriously endangers the health of the chicken group. Farmers should regularly conduct reasonable disinfection of the chicken house, and pay attention to persistence in normal times. The chicken house is clean and often ventilated.

It is very important to maintain a reasonable temperature and humidity around the layer battery cage. Generally, farmers will ignore the adjustment of temperature, humidity and ventilation. They advocate ventilation at high temperatures and ventilation at high humidity. When there are large changes, first let the temperature rise by about two degrees. , The right amount is the same for about half an hour, and so on.

The above are some of the processing gaps and misunderstandings when farmers use layer cages to raise chickens. It is hoped that they can attract the attention of farmers. Pay more attention to the usual handling, and farmers can have time to learn how to handle cage breeding scientifically and reasonably. Skills in order to make their chickens grow more healthily, and farmers themselves can get better benefits.

04 Jan

Automatic feeding equipment and manure removal equipment in poultry layer cage system

The automatic laying cage system not only refers to the laying cage, but also includes some of its automated supporting equipment.

Breeding chickens with a full set of layer cage equipment not only saves the farmers' worry and effort, but also effectively prevents infectious diseases: the chickens do not touch the feces, which can make the chickens grow healthier and provide a clean and comfortable growth environment for the chickens. The following is a brief introduction of the characteristics of these equipment by the manufacturer of a complete set of equipment for laying hen cages.



Automated poultry manure removal system: The fully automatic poultry manure removal machine is a kind of farm cleaning equipment that uses the power of multi-pole rotation to achieve the purpose of repeatedly cleaning manure. It is widely used in the removal of poultry and livestock manure in cages, which can realize unmanned management, automatic timing cleaning, arbitrary setting of time, temporary cleaning of manure, simple and quick operation, automatic manual and arbitrary conversion; using manure scraper to clean manure not only It can be managed conveniently without a lot of personnel, and the chicken manure will fall into the manure removal belt along with the manure scraper to the end and be sent to the manure truck to be pulled away, which can improve the environment in the house and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Automated poultry feeding system: The layer cage feeder is specially designed for feeding cage equipment, and can feed three to five layers of cages. The feeder has a unique structure, novel and practical, time-saving and labor-saving, and uniform feeding , Low loss, using battery power supply, DC motor drive, low noise, convenient operation, flexible steering, small turning space, convenient maintenance, etc., so it is very popular among farmers. The use of feeders not only saves time, but also It liberates manpower: the feeder directly pushes the feed, which is safe, convenient, energy-saving, no noise, and the chicken response is small. The feeder can realize one feeding for 10,000 chickens in 40 minutes, which is very convenient.

The above is the poultry feeding system and poultry manure removal system in the modern layer cage system shared by poultry equipment manufacturers for poultry farmers. Hope to help farmers to have a better understanding of poultry equipment.

04 Jan

Three distinctive features of battery layer cages are deeply loved by farmers

With the strong support of various national policies. The layer breeding industry has ushered in new development opportunities. With the vigorous development of the chicken industry, traditional farmers can no longer meet the needs of the market through free-range breeding. More farmers choose new battery layer cages to meet the needs of breeding. need.

So what are the advantages of being a new type of poultry layer cage and a traditional chicken cage or free range? 

More farming

Traditional free-range breeding is mostly carried out by means of enclosures and pens on their own ground, and the number of chickens raised is limited; although the number of traditional layer chicken cages has increased compared with traditional free-range cages, it is because the old-fashioned layer cages are only raised by iron. The increased efficiency of aquaculture through the establishment of nets still cannot meet the needs of modern aquaculture. The new layer cage can increase the number of breeding more than a hundred times on the same breeding area.



Make breeding easier

Traditional free-range and old-fashioned layer cage feeding, water feeding, and egg picking are all done manually by the breeder. Not only is the work efficiency low, but it is also prone to uneven feeding of layer hens. The chicken cages in the new poultry farming equipment can not only be customized according to the breeding needs, but also can realize the full automation of feeding and water feeding, automatic temperature control, and automatic egg picking, which completely frees hands and labor. Moreover, it is Henan in the breeding equipment industry. The Golden Shepherd chicken coop manufacturer now allows two farmers to raise 60,000 chickens.

Comply with safety standards

The state attaches great importance to the laying hen breeding industry. Because of this, breeding safety and food safety are subject to national key monitoring. When raising chickens, farmers must not only consider the success of laying hen breeding, but also pay attention to breeding safety. Therefore, the new layer cages developed by chicken cage equipment manufacturers all meet the requirements of safe breeding equipment in China's "Regulations on Pollution Prevention and Control of Large-scale Livestock and Poultry Breeding", so that breeding users do not have to worry about violating laws and regulations.

Therefore, based on the above introduction, I believe everyone should understand the advantages of the new layer cage compared to the traditional chicken cage. If farmers want layer hens to breed safe, efficient and high-yield.

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