12 Jul

Poultry farming equipment needs to be regulated in Kenya for raising chickens

Now poultry farming equipment in Kenya is emerging in an endless stream. Many farmers will rely on some automatic chicken raising equipment to raise laying hens and improve the efficiency of their work. Although the technology and methods of raising chickens have improved, some farmers still do not get good benefits. In order to help farmers improve their scientific management level and achieve better economic benefits, it is necessary to tell farmers that the chicken raising process of automatic chicken raising equipment needs to be standardized.



  1. The disinfection system is not perfect. At present, disinfection of poultry breeding equipment is an effective method to ensure the hygiene of chicken houses. Correct and reasonable disinfection can kill pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house in time. Many farmers do not pay attention to disinfection or do not follow routine operating procedures, resulting in ineffective disinfection and poor sanitation of chicken houses.
  2. Improper operation of vaccines. I believe that all farmers know that immunization is an effective way to prevent infectious diseases of chickens, but many farmers are not standardized in vaccine operation, or do not know the correct immunization method, resulting in the failure of chicken immunization, which not only increases the cost, And it didn't get good results either.
  3. Come and go at will. Generally, there are many farms around the farm, so many farmers lack a lot of scientific and rigorous awareness of epidemic prevention. When they return to the coop, they are not sterilized by UV light, and they enter the coop at will without changing their sterilized clothes and shoes, becoming vectors of disease.
  4. The preventive measures are not perfect. The weather varies greatly throughout the four seasons, and farmers should take precautions against weather changes. However, many farmers fail to take precautions when they encounter sudden changes in weather or other stressors, which have led to outbreaks of chickens. If the weather is very hot, you should take cooling measures, pay attention to ventilation, and avoid heat stroke.
  5. The quality of feed is unstable. There are many kinds of feeds sold in the market, and the price of feed is paid attention to. Changing the feed, the diet of the laying hens living in the layer chicken cagefor sale is generally reduced, diarrhea and egg production are greatly reduced;


These are several issues that farmers need to regulate in the process of raising chickens with automatic poultry farming equipment. I hope the above can bring some help to farmers.

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