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07 Jan

Winter chicken prevention knowledge

In the cold winter, due to the sudden drop in temperature and the decrease in air quality, the chickens raised by the farmers will be prone to some diseases in the winter, so what measures should be taken to prevent the farmers in the cold winter? What happens to chicken disease in winter to improve the quality of the chicken? The following poultry equipment manufacturers come to popularize winter chicken disease prevention knowledge.


In winter, due to the temperature drop, it is not conducive to the healthy growth of chickens. Therefore, we must pay attention to the warmth of chickens in winter. In the chicken house, it is necessary to take measures to prevent cold and keep warm. The temperature in the house should not be lower than 3 degrees Celsius. It is also possible to install warming equipment in the house. When it rains and snows in winter, it is necessary to close the doors and windows in time to prevent the intrusion of cold air.

In the breeding, it is also possible to fill light in the morning and evening, because the temperature in the house can be increased by filling the light, and the protein and energy water in the feed can be appropriately increased when feeding the chicken, so that the body temperature of the chicken is not Will decrease and stay at normal levels.


Unscheduled disinfection in the house will keep the house environment clean, which will reduce the spread of the disease. In winter, birds are prone to avian influenza, Newcastle disease, and infectious bronchitis. Once these diseases are found in the body of the chicken, it is necessary to treat them quickly and avoid the spread between the chickens, resulting in economic losses for the farmers.


If you have problems in the winter when you are raising chickens, you can call us and we will have a professional staff to answer your questions.

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