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27 Mar

Control of the internal environment of chicken house

Ventilation and insulation in the house are often a contradiction. To solve this contradiction problem, the best way is to install a skylight on the roof or install a ventilation fan in the high window under the eaves. This will prevent the disease from happening.

Because the metabolism of the chicks is relatively strong, the carbon dioxide in the chicken house will be more, and the ammonia will be released continuously in the chicken manure. It is necessary to ventilate in time, but it is easy to open the window when the chicken is resting. A cold has aroused a respiratory illness.



The suitable growth temperature range for broiler chickens is 13.5 °C -24.5 °C; the phase humidity is higher than the pre-feeding period, and the remaining period is to maintain 55% to 60%. The weather is warmer, and the window should be ventilated. Heat is discharged; summer heats up and cools down, so that the house keeps a certain temperature and humidity. In winter, pay attention to the cold, and the bad weather will prevent the cold and heat in the house.


Broilers are densely stocked and produce large amounts of exhaust gas (carbon dioxide) and harmful gases every day in poultry cages for sale. In order to discharge harmful gases and supplement oxygen, and maintain a suitable temperature, it is necessary to strengthen the ventilation of the house, reduce the odor and harmful gas concentration in the house, and improve the growth environment of the broiler. When the winter solstice is ventilated, avoid cold air.


Controlling the stocking density, the chicken density is too large, and the excrement is increased, which affects the environment of the chicken house and is more harmful to the chicken. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the density of the flock properly according to the breed of the chicken, the different growth stages, and the different seasons.

27 Mar

How do chicken farmers build chicken houses?

Nowadays, there are chicken farming in many areas. Chickens can't be built without chickens, and there are many types of chicken houses. However, no matter what kind of feeding method, the existence of chicken houses is very necessary. The following article focuses on the basic requirements for building a chicken house.


1. With or without window design

Because the chicken's metabolism is relatively strong, in the chicken's metabolism process, the demand for gas is more, and the harmful gases are also discharged. In order to ensure the demand for fresh air in the flock, it is also more conducive to the discharge of harmful gases. Therefore, the ventilation conditions of the chicken house should be well done. If the chicken house is designed to have windows, it should be mainly ventilation, and if it is a windowless chicken. For the house, a fan is required for forced ventilation. When constructing a house, we must consider the design of the ventilation surface in advance.


2. Disinfection pool

In order to prevent and control various diseases and ensure the health of the chickens, daily sterilization and disinfection work is essential. Under normal circumstances, sterilization and disinfection are inseparable from water, and the sewage mixed with water and house debris needs to be easily discharged from the house. Therefore, this requires that the height of the house is higher than the height of the house, usually 0.2 to 0.3 meters higher. Around the house, we can design the drainage ditch, and the entrance to the house can also be set up with a disinfection tank.



3. Chicken house lighting

Light has a very important role in raising chickens, including heat preservation, growth promotion, sterilization and so on. Therefore, when building a chicken house, consider how to make better use of natural light and the setting of artificial lighting equipment. Considering that our country is in the northern hemisphere, the chicken house facing south is more conducive to light effects: the sun angle is very oblique in the winter to get more light, and the summer sun angle is straight, which can reduce the sun into the house.


4. Window protection

When building a chicken house, if you install a window, you should pay attention to the protection of the window, so as to prevent some birds and animals from entering the house, causing the chickens to panic or spread the disease. Wire mesh can usually be used to achieve protection.

The above is the basic design requirements for the construction of the chicken house. The premise of raising the chicken is the construction of the chicken house and chicken battery cages. The good chicken house is the key to successful chicken raising. Therefore, everyone can not be sloppy, if the chicken house is built during the above process. When you introduce the point, you can say that your house is no problem.

25 Mar

Three important instructions for the construction of broiler breeding equipment

Three major instructions for the construction of broiler breeding equipment. It is no longer unfamiliar to raise broiler battery cages. To use broiler cages to build a scientific and reasonable chicken farm first, what problems should you pay attention to? How to build a perfect chicken farm?

1. Heating equipment. As long as the purpose of heating and heat preservation can be achieved, heating methods such as electric heating, water heating, coal stoves, even fire, and mantle can be used, but it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the coal stove is dirty and prone to gas poisoning, and a chimney must be added. Pay attention to thermal insulation when designing the house.

2. Feeding equipment. The main use of the trough, cage chickens are used long troughs, this feeding method can also be used when raising brooding, or can be used to feed the bucket. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the throwing of the feed of the chicken. The trough is too shallow, and no protective edge will cause more feed waste. It is very important to use a stencil in a cage for brooding, or a three-dimensional multi-layer brooder; in addition to flat-line feeding, the brooding chickens are often overlapped or stepped brooding cages, and farmers are directly transferred from 60-70 days old. People's egg cages. Laying hens are basically caged. At present, there are many manufacturers of chicken cages in China, which can be purchased according to the situation. The cage area of the chicken must be guaranteed. Then, the manure equipment is generally used to clean the manure regularly, and the larger chicken farm can use mechanical decontamination.


3. Ventilation equipment. Closed houses must be mechanically ventilated. According to the direction of airflow in the house, they can be divided into horizontal ventilation and longitudinal ventilation. Lateral ventilation means that the direction of airflow in the house is perpendicular to the long axis of the house. Longitudinal ventilation refers to the way in which a large number of fans are concentrated in one place, so that the airflow in the house is parallel to the long axis of the house.

21 Mar

About broiler equipment farming

Most people will choose to use cages to raise broilers, because the use of broiler breeding equipment to raise chickens can increase the number of broilers, facilitate the management of broilers, and reasonable feeding management can
improve the economic benefits of farmers, but there are also many misunderstandings need to be solved. It's open.

To have an accurate grasp of the market, lack of scientific prediction and reasonable ability to arrange production, chickens will not be very smooth, nothing is always the same, we must pay attention to the rules of learning and
observing the broiler market and the broiler The accurate grasp of market information, because the price of broilers will change frequently, the demand is not the same, if blind production will affect the benefits of chicken.


Many farmers have no experience when they start raising chickens. They also need modern broiler breeding equipment. They should learn frequently and sum up experience so that chickens will be smoother. Otherwise, the breeding effect will
be unsatisfactory. At the stage of the chicken, the chickens should be quarantined. Now the broiler equipment is cultured at a relatively high density. It is very important to prevent the disease. If it is ignored, it will cause the
chicken to become sick, which will affect the later income.


Whether the environment of the chicken house is suitable is whether the broiler can grow reasonably. Many farmers do not understand the control of the poultry equipment for sale environment. For example, only pay attention to heat
preservation in winter, neglect ventilation, the air in the house is not circulating, or the farmer adjusts the house. Air, but neglected the insulation, cold and hot, the incidence of chicken is very high.


20 Mar

What facilities are necessary for raising chickens?

The advanced automatic chicken farming equipment can create an ideal living environment for the chickens and greatly improve the production efficiency of chickens. The recommended fully automatic chicken equipment for raising chickens is:
1. Heating equipment

During the brooding stage and the severe winter season, heating with electric heating, plumbing, gas heating, coal stove, fire shovel and other equipment can achieve the purpose of heating and keeping warm. Electric heating, plumbing, and air heating are relatively clean and hygienic. Coal stove heating should pay attention to prevent gas poisoning accidents. Fire heating is more fuel-efficient, but the temperature is relatively stable. As long as it is guaranteed to reach the required temperature, which heating equipment is feasible, the following describes the underground flue-type heating equipment (fire) and electric insulation umbrella.

1) Underground flue heating: The brooding method of flue heating is more suitable for small and medium chicken farms. It is made of brick or adobe. The larger brooding room can use long flue. The smaller brooding room can use the field type to surround the flue. When designing the flue, the diameter of the flue inlet should be larger. The outlet should be gradually smaller: the inlet should be slightly lower, and the outlet should be gradually increased with the extension of the flue to facilitate the circulation of the heating and exhaust smoke to prevent smoke.

2) Electric insulation umbrella: The electric insulation umbrella can be made by yourself or purchased. The umbrella can be made of iron, aluminum or wood, fiberboard and steel frame and fabric. The heat source can be electric heating wire or electric heating plate, or it can be burned by petroleum liquefier. At present, the typical product of electric thermal insulation umbrella is heated by embedded ceramic far-infrared heating plate. Each of the 2 m diameter canopy can be brooded 500. Before use, the temperature control and standard thermometer should be corrected to ensure correct temperature control.



2. Ventilation equipment

Closed houses must be mechanically ventilated to address ventilation and summer cooling. There are two kinds of mechanical ventilation: air supply type and exhaust type: air supply type ventilation is to use a fan to forcibly send fresh air to the house, so that a positive pressure is formed in the house, and the dirty air is discharged. The exhaust type ventilation is to use a fan. The dirty air in the house is forcibly extracted, so that a negative pressure is formed in the house, and fresh air enters the house through the air inlet. There are many types and models of ventilation machines, which can be purchased according to actual conditions. In the past, closed houses were mostly ventilated, with air on one side and exhaust on the other side. In recent years, some chicken farms have used longitudinal ventilation, which proves that the ventilation effect is better, and the effect of cooling in the hot season is more obvious.

The open chicken house mainly adopts natural ventilation. The doors and windows and the sunroof switch are used to adjust the ventilation. When the external wind speed is large or the temperature difference between the inside and the outside is large, the ventilation is more effective. In the hot summer weather, the natural ventilation effect is not good and mechanical ventilation is required. To be added. If the open house is replaced by a roller blind, the sweeping window is formed by lifting the roller blind in the summer, and the ventilation effect is good, but it is not suitable for use in cold winter areas.

18 Mar

What does the equipment for raising chickens contain?

Chicken equipment includes: heating equipment, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, egg collection equipment, cleaning equipment, cages, lighting equipment, and so on.


The manure pump, the manure machine, the chicken farming equipment are of a quality and do not match, and the equipment for raising chicks, broiler chickens and laying hens is required to have specifications and proportions. The equipment should be matched to facilitate the normal growth and development of the flock and reasonable turnover, and fully utilize the utilization rate and operation rate of the equipment, so that the depreciation charge allocated to each hen or per kilogram of eggs is more reasonable, thus reducing Cost of production.


However, the proportion of brooding, brooding and laying hens in many chicken farmers is out of balance and is not satisfactory. The feeding area is often too small, the stocking density is too large, and the feed and drinking water tanks are not enough. It can be said that this is a common problem common to chicken farmers and one of the important factors affecting the economic benefits of laying hens. There are also some chicken farmers who raise more chickens, use less houses or have no extra houses to support the chickens. Prematurely raising the chickens in cages is not good for the growth and development of the young birds, and ultimately affects the laying performance of the hens. The laying hens are harvested after the hens are opened.


Nowadays, the laying hens are mostly caged, and the chicken cages are indispensable equipment. The chicken farmers generally pay more attention to them. However, the lack of identification of the quality of the chicken cage tends to be low-priced when purchased. Cage is the place where hens live, produce and sleep. The quality of the cage should not be neglected. The quality of the cage bottom, the width and slope of the cage are especially important. The author once witnessed the difference in the quality of chicken cages from two manufacturers in the same chicken farm, resulting in significant differences in egg production, number of dead hunters and egg breaking rates. Another notable and more common problem is not to pack chickens in cages. When the survival rate of brooding is high, the number of surviving hens exceeds the number of budget tranches, or the hens who are underweight are reluctant to retire. In this case, they are often over-loaded. According to statistics, when the number of cages per cage increased to 5, 22.5% of hens died before 305 days of age. According to the statistics of the production reports accumulated by the author for many years, the flocking rate exceeds the prescribed standard, and the egg production rate is 5% to 15% lower than that of the normal flock.


15 Mar

Chicken raising points in summer

1. Due to the high temperature in summer, we need to pay attention to the poultry farming equipment prevention measures of the laying hens to ensure the nutritional intake of the laying hens. The temperature in the chicken houses should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius, so as to avoid the economic loss caused by the death of chickens caused by heat stress.

2. In order to maintain the right temperature, we can choose to reduce the stocking density of cage chickens in the summer. In order to avoid overcrowding the house.

3. In summer, the temperature is too high and the weather is hot. It is necessary to add water to the chickens in time to ensure that there are enough drinking fountains in the cages to provide enough water for the chickens.

4. Appropriately improve the nutrients needed by chickens, supplement the nutrients lost by chickens, and prevent the frequency of egg production.

5. In the summer, it is necessary to clean the chicken manure in the chicken house in time, so as to avoid the ammonia and harmful substances in the chicken house will cause chicken disease and respiratory infection, pay attention to ventilation, pay attention to the health of the house, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

14 Mar

Advantages of using chicken battery cages

The use of battery cages in feeding has greatly increased the yield during the feeding process and has ensured the safety of the laying hens during the feeding process. For example, in the feeding of laying hens, the chicken cage can be excellent to isolate the contact between the chicken and the stool, which is beneficial to the control of coccidiosis and intestinal diseases, and the chicken feces leak under the chicken cage, which can be sorted and lowered in time. The harmful gas content in the house, while using fan ventilation, to reduce the timing of the disease, the following will follow the author to understand the advantages of chicken battery cages.


1. Save land. There are only 5 chickens per square meter in the house, and 15-25 in the cage, which is 3-5 times more than the chickens. Generally, the flat chicken house has a playground that is twice as large as the chicken house. Each flat chicken is 6-10 times larger than the cage.


2. Save feed. The caged laying hens have less activity, the winter density is high, the house temperature is higher, the chicken body is used to maintain less energy, and generally eats 1-2 yuan less than the flat chicken.



3. Save time. When raising the feed, the chicken is called back, it is very difficult to feed, the caged chicken ring is in the cage, feeding along the line in front of the cage, adding water, quail eggs, investigating chickens, catching chickens, etc. Convenient, there is no need to lay grass or soil washers, and it is more labor-saving to clean the dung. It is to feed hundreds of chickens, and it will take a lot of time every day.


4. Conducive to disease prevention. Chickens are not kept in the cage and do not touch the feces, so the timing of infection is greatly reduced. The eggs laid are not in contact with grass, soil, and feces, and the appearance is very clean. The house does not have soil and grass, the dust is less, and the environment is cleaner. Pure feces are removed from the cage and can be used as feed after drying at high temperature, which contains a lot of non-protein nitrogen.


5. Save labor. Achieve loading, feeding, drinking, cleaning, and fully automated control of the environment, greatly reducing the labor intensity of workers and saving labor costs.

11 Mar

Key points of large-scale farming

With the continuous expansion of the market, many people have begun to choose large-scale farming. Through this large-scale management, the number of chickens can be increased, management can be more regular, and later income can be increased. How to carry out large-scale farming?


  First of all, we must choose the quality and healthy chickens. Such chickens will not get sick often. Without so much trouble, they can reduce labor. Moreover, the adaptability, growth ability and nutritional value of healthy chicks are also very high. These will directly determine the economic benefits of the farmers. There is also a good management of the chicken house, the ground of the chicken house should be level, keep the overall environment inside the chicken house dry, not wet, it is necessary to clean the house regularly and give the chicken a healthy living environment. The chicken farm is indispensable for chicken equipment, and you can choose automation equipment. The standardized management of these equipment is mainly divided into two aspects: on the one hand, the function management of the equipment, that is, through daily inspections, there is a general operation of these equipment. The understanding of the equipment, timely repair and ensure the normal operation of the equipment; on the other hand, the clean management of the equipment. Always clean the equipment to ensure safe farming.


  It is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention of chicken poultry cage equipment, so as not to increase the chance of disease in chicken farms, and carefully clean up the chicken houses. Remember not to buy quality anti-epidemic drugs. These drugs often lack quality assurance and should not be used. Some anti-epidemic effects are likely to cause broiler poisoning and bring economic losses to the farm. Therefore, it is necessary to guide farmers to purchase and use drugs correctly.


 Scientific feeding management, and proper temperature management, whether the temperature is suitable is not only to look at the thermometer, but also to see the condition of the chicken, in order to judge whether it is appropriate, in general, at a suitable temperature, the chicken is lively and active, appetite It is better, otherwise, the chicken will be very uncomfortable. Remember to ventilate the chicken to give the chicken a good environment, so as to avoid the ammonia in the house, causing the chicken to get sick.

11 Mar

How to make the layer cage achieve the best results?

In the current chicken industry, many users are using egg hen cage equipment for farming. There are many advantages to using chicken cages to raise chickens, which not only allows farmers to save space, but also increases the use of the chicken house area, and uses chicken cages to raise chickens. It is also easy to manage chickens in cages. However, in the process of breeding, we must pay attention to some problems in order to achieve better results in laying hens and cage chickens. Here we will talk about the advantages and precautions of chicken cage chickens:

1. The layer battery cages are raised in multiple cages, so it is necessary to breed three or four times more chickens than the flat raises, so that the farmers can increase the benefits from the quantity, and the chickens grow and grow in the cages. Production is more convenient for farmers to manage the flocks, and the sanitation environment of the house can be better maintained.



2. In the process of raising chickens in laying hens, chickens are not directly exposed to feces, so cages can greatly reduce the disease caused by fecal infections, reduce the incidence of diseases, and facilitate the handling of feces.


3. The use of laying hens to raise chickens allows the chickens to have enough feeding and drinking water to ensure that each chicken can get reasonable drinking and feeding, so that the uniformity of the chickens is very good.


4. Reduce the labor intensity of the farmers. If the use of flat raising is not only the number of raising, but also the farmers can not manage it, although the number of cages is increased, the chickens are kept in the cages without hindering the cultivation. The households are managed and raised, although the labor intensity is reduced.

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