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25 Sep

How long is the life of the layer chicken cage?

As for the age of the egg chicken cage, this question will often be asked when the farmers consult. High-quality poultry farming equipment manufacturers use advanced hot-dip galvanizing technology, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, long life, strong and beautiful. For normal repair and maintenance, it can be used for 15-20 years.

However, after some farmers buy it back, the layer chicken cage is no longer in control. Only when the equipment is broken, the chicken production management is delayed, and the maintenance is considered. This will definitely reduce the life of the equipment. Therefore, farmers should regularly maintain the equipment and find problems in a timely manner, otherwise it will bring more economic losses in the future. The author summarizes several ways and means of equipment maintenance to share with farmers.

Layer chicken battery cages are a popular form of laying hens at home and abroad. The reason is that the design of the egg cages provides a comfortable environment for the chickens to play a better role in the feeding process. The main advantage of the design of the egg cage is in the front net and the cage door. The density of the cage feeding and the angle of the egg are more evident in the interests of the chicken.

The daily maintenance of the layer chicken cage is the basic work of the maintenance of the laying equipment, and must be maintained in a timely and effective manner.

First of all, the inside and outside of the layer chicken battery cages are neat and tidy. It is necessary to ensure that there are no oil on each sliding surface, screw, rack, gear box, oil hole, etc., no oil leakage, no air leakage, debris, debris and dirt around the equipment. The objects should be cleaned; the tools, accessories, and workpieces (products) should be placed neatly, the pipes and lines should be organized; the lubrication should be well-filled or oil-changed, the oil should be constantly oiled, and there should be no dry friction. The oil pressure is normal, the oil mark is bright, and the oil path is smooth. The oil quality meets the requirements, the oil gun, oil cup and linoleum are clean; the safety operation rules are obeyed, the equipment is not overloaded, the safety protection device of the equipment is complete and reliable, and the unsafe factors are eliminated in time.


25 Sep

Fully automatic chicken equipment to raise chicken details

In order to improve the efficiency of chicken breeding and increase the economic benefits in the later period, many farmers choose to use the broiler equipment in the automatic poultry farming equipment for breeding in the process of raising broilers. In order to make full use of the advantages of the farming equipment, we need to pay attention to the details of the farming equipment.


The first is the choice of chicks. When feeding chickens in chicken coops, we have to pick some good chicks. Although cheap chicks can save costs, there will be a lot of trouble in the later breeding, poor quality chicks. It will cause a large number of deaths and lead to failed farming. Ventilation in the house and control of temperature and humidity, many farmers often forget to ventilate the house during the feeding process, especially in the cold winter, in order to keep the temperature in the house is not reduced, often For ten days and a half, the house is not ventilated, resulting in a decrease in the air quality in the house, causing illness and death in the flock. Therefore, in the process of breeding, the farmers should give the house a regular ventilation and ventilation while maintaining the temperature and humidity of the house.




Immunization of chickens is an important part of the chicken raising process, but often many farmers choose small businesses to buy vaccines and then inject them into the chickens when they are immunized. Not only will it not have a beneficial effect on the growth of the flock but will also have an adverse effect on the flock. Some farmers adopt self-injection methods when vaccinating chickens. Some farmers do not understand the injection, which leads to the failure of injection or the improper treatment of the chickens due to improper methods during the injection process, thus affecting the chickens. The group grows healthy. Therefore, farmers should not only choose the right time to vaccinate the chickens, but also go to the normal pharmaceutical factory to purchase the drugs, and take the correct injection method for injection.



The above are some small details of chickens in automatic chicken equipment poultry farming cage. I hope that I can give some help to the farmers and better raise chickens.


24 Sep

Selection techniques for farmers when purchasing broiler cages

Chicken cage is the most important equipment in the whole chicken raising process. The quality of the chicken cage can directly affect the development of layer and broiler and the rate of egg production and meat production. Farmers should choose suitable poultry farming equipment for breeding according to the variety of chickens. The authors refer to the recommendations of poultry farming equipment manufacturers to explain the skills of several farmers when purchasing chicken cage equipment.

1. The size of the grid of the bottom cage of the metal cage depends on the diameter of the short axis of the egg and the size of the chicken claw. The mesh should not be too dense. The excessive density not only affects the leakage of manure, but also increases the cost of the chicken cage. The spacing of the warp wire of the bottom net should not be greater than 2/3 of the short axis of the egg, generally 24 to 26 mm; the spacing of the weft should be no more than 2/3 of the length of the chicken claw, usually less than 50 mm.

2. The bottom net is an important part of the chicken cage. It is necessary to bear the weight of the chicken, and it is easy for the eggs laid by the chicken to roll off the egg trough in the front of the net to avoid damage. At the same time, most of the manure can leak to the ground and reduce the pollution of the bottom net.

3. Also ensure that the chicken feet are easy to grasp the wire and stand and walk stably and comfortably. Therefore, the bottom net must have a certain strength, elasticity, inclination and empty space, and the material selection and manufacturing requirements are strict. Generally, the bottom mesh material is made of 2.0-2.5 mm diameter low carbon steel welding wire, and the solder joints should be firm; the grid spacing should be uniform; the tilt height difference is 12% to 14%. For the eggs to smoothly roll, the vertical wire of the bottom net should be made. In the upper part, the transverse wire is in the lower part.

4. The front net and the front net of the cage door are the net wall located in the front part of the chicken cage. The main structural size of the front net is vertical steel wire. The spacing should not only ensure the movement of the chicken head, but also the chicken, 50-65 mm. The front net is only as far as the bottom net. Slightly larger than the diameter of the short axis of the egg, usually 50 mm, spelled out of the cage. In the design, you should pay attention to the size of each one to avoid the chicken head, but not to run the chicken. The soil is inclined downward, and the inclination of the lower side of the dish is the same as that of the bottom net.

The above is the purchase skill of the farmers when choosing the chicken battery cage equipment. The popularity of the cage mode is more convenient for mechanized operations, which can greatly improve labor productivity, which greatly reduces the labor costs. At the same time, it can also be scientifically managed to achieve better economic benefits. It is made of softer steel wire and is more suitable for feeding egg broilers. It has the advantage of being able to bring better economic benefits to farmers.

20 Sep

Summer chicken precautions in chicken battery cage

The summer weather is hot and the chickens are particularly sensitive to temperature. Every summer, the chickens are hot and the egg production is decreasing. Moreover, the chicken is kept in the chicken battery cages . Therefore, in the summer, the most important thing is to pay attention to the chicken to cool down, change the water frequently, strengthen the hygiene management, and let the chickens spend the summer comfortably.





Add insulation to the house to improve insulation, or build a layer of shade cloth outside the house to reduce the temperature inside the house. A fan or the like can be installed in the house to cool down. Increase the ventilation of the house, and in the summer, you need to reduce the amount of feeding. The feed to the chicken needs to be taken a small number of times in order to avoid contamination caused by eating and causing chicken disease. Every day, excrement such as chicken manure needs to be cleaned up in time, and the floor of the house should be kept dry and clean to avoid breeding of bacteria and viruses, which will cause the chickens to get sick and bring losses to the farmers.


Strengthen management measures, properly adjust the feeding density of chickens to prevent excessive stress and cause heat stress; often disinfect the disease prevention and control work for poultry farm equipment cost in nigeria, the general environmental sanitation is relatively poor, prone to bacterial diseases, should adhere to 2 to 3 times a week Disinfect the chicken, keep the house clean and reduce the disease; in addition, control the mosquito plague, but also keep the chicken house dry, the drinking water of the chicken needs to be replaced every day to ensure clean and cool drinking water.




19 Sep

Precautions for raising laying hens when using layer cages

The temperature and air quality vary from season to season. Therefore, in order to enable the laying hens to produce more eggs and increase the income of the breeding, the farmers need to nurse the laying hens during the season to ensure that they can produce more eggs and increase economic benefits. Today, the author refers to the experience of the poultry farming equipment manufacturer, to introduce the farmers to some matters that should be paid attention to during the nursery.

1. Appropriate increase in lighting time. Natural light is prolonged in spring and summer, and natural light is gradually reduced in the fall and winter. Therefore, it is necessary to give the laying hens a moderate amount of light. The poultry equipment manufacturer reminds farmers to use 3 lux for the ground light intensity when supplementing the laying hens. The lights are turned on twice a day. The first time the lights are turned on at 4-5 am until dawn, the second time the lights are turned on until 20-21 in the dark, and the lights are turned on during the rainy weather.

2. Increase the nutrition of the feed. Spring is the season for laying hens with high egg production. At this time, new laying hens need to be supplemented with nutrient-rich feed to increase their yield. In the autumn, because the laying hens have experienced a long egg laying period and a hot summer season, the chicken body is fatigued. At this time, it is necessary to feed more animal protein feed and add multivitamins to the feed.

3. Adjust the flock. Timely elimination of some of the valueless laying hens, such as low egg production, discontinued chickens, weak chickens, stiff chickens, short peak egg production, and severe convulsions.

4. Force moulting. By forced moulting, the laying hens can be simultaneously moulted and started. Manual forced moulting can add 2.5% zinc oxide or 4% zinc sulfate to the laying hen's diet. Water can not be stopped during the feeding of high-quality diets, and the time of light can be reduced to 6-8 hours per day.

5. Deworming at the right time. In the autumn of the year, it is the best time for laying hens to deworm. The farmers can use levamisole hydrochloride and sputum to remove insects.

The above is what the farmers are telling. The precautions for raising the laying hens are now in the exchange stage of the season. When the farmers are nursed back to the laying hens, they can try some things that are mentioned today.

18 Sep

Why do you keep the feed residue in the trough when raising chicken?

The cost of raising chickens is also very high. After all, it is necessary to use poultry farming cage, chicken equipment, septic equipment, Chicken Breeding Equipment Machinery, etc., which are not small expenses, and chicken feeds are even more so, so we are feeding chickens. At the time, it is necessary to save chicken feed so as not to waste the cost of chicken feed. Reasons are as follows


One is to ensure that the flock consumes the full price of the nutrients. The feeding of laying hens generally uses dry powder. Due to the different particle size and specific gravity of the feed, the chickens tend to pick up larger granules first, and the powdery materials are at the bottom of the tank. If the chicken does not eat powdery materials for a long time, it will inevitably lead to imbalance of nutrients and affecting egg production and health.


The second is to keep the chickens good appetite. After the chickens have eaten the feed in the trough, they can add new feed when the chicken is hungry, which can increase the appetite of the chicken and speed up the feeding.





Third, it is conducive to preserving feed nutrition. If the feed is stored in the trough for too long, many nutrients such as vitamins are oxidatively decomposed. Causes loss or deficiency of feed nutrition.


Fourth, it can prevent the mildew and deterioration of the feed. If the feed accumulates at the bottom of the tank for a long time, it is easy to get wet and agglomerate, or moldy and deteriorate, it will lose nutrients, and the chicken will affect health and productivity after eating.


Fifth, it can reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Give the chicken intestines an emptying time to effectively reduce the occurrence of muscle gland gastritis.


If too much feed is put in a single dose to allow it to eat ad libitum, it is easy to cause the feed to deteriorate, and it is easy to cause food poisoning in the chicken. In addition, the chicken may cause pollution and waste of the feed during the activity, and the chicken is sufficient when the food is sufficient. There is no tension, and the total amount of food eaten is not much.


17 Sep

Advantages of using broiler cage farming

In the current aquaculture industry, broiler rearing equipment farming is very popular and relatively popular. Every farmer's idea is to make their own chickens grow better. Therefore, many farmers now buy broiler cages for broiler breeding. What are the advantages? The authors will analyze the advantages of using poultry battery cage equipment for breeding.

Everyone knows that broilers are the kind of meat that is better than the ones, and the skin is softer. That is to say, if you want to carry out cages, you should use cages made of softer steel wires. If the cage is made of wire, when the broiler is at the bottom, it may scratch the skin and cause bacterial infection. The broiler will become ill and may spread in the flock.

There is also the use of broiler cages for raising broilers, which can keep the sanitation inside the house. In other words, it is possible to prevent the broiler from being directly licked on the chicken manure, thereby preventing the broiler from being infected by the virus in the chicken manure. In some cases, the incidence of broilers is avoided, so that in many cases, some viruses can be prevented from spreading.

Purchasing high quality broiler cages can create a better environment, that is, it is a kind of cage suitable for broiler growth. In many cases, it is better suited to the growth of broilers. In this way, there is a suitable growth environment that is conducive to the growth of broilers.

At the same time, the use of broiler cages is more convenient for mechanized operation, which can greatly improve labor productivity, which greatly reduces labor costs. At the same time, it can also be scientifically managed to achieve better economic benefits. It is made of softer steel wire and is more suitable for broiler chickens. It has the advantage of being able to bring better economic benefits to farmers.

Finally, the health of the house kept by the chicken in the broiler cage is reduced, thereby reducing the cost of epidemic prevention and reducing the energy consumption of the broiler. Broiler cages constrain the activity of broilers, reducing energy costs, reaching the same weight shortens the production cycle and reduces feed costs. The number of broiler chickens per unit volume has been greatly increased.

The above is the author's analysis of the advantages of using broiler cage equipment to breed broiler chickens. If the farmer has other questions and wants to consult, he can consult the technicians of the poultry equipment manufacturer.


16 Sep

Correct use of temperature control by laying broiler equipment

Most chickens are kept in battery cage for chickens, and this is the case with large-scale farming, because raising chickens in chicken cages will cause less trouble to the farmers and better chickens. The temperature of the house should be well controlled. The humidity in the house during the brooding period will be too high, which will affect the metabolism of water. It will be detrimental to the feather growth process of the flock, and it will easily cause the growth of the germs and protozoa. The laying hens are used to control the temperature inside the house. The humidity in the house is too low, the chicks are prone to catch cold, and the water is large, which greatly affects the absorption of the egg yolk, and causes dust to fly, leading to respiratory diseases. In severe cases, the chicks will die due to dehydration in the body.





In poultry breeding equipment, the appropriate humidity in the chicken house is 61% to 71% around ten days old; the principle of humidity control from 55% to 61% around ten days is that the early stage should not be too low, and the high temperature should be avoided in the later stage. The humidity of the laying house to the laying house should be controlled from 55% to 65%. Ventilation requires the removal of harmful gases by adjusting the temperature, humidity, and air circulation rate. At the same time, the chicken manure under the hot-dip galvanized chicken cage is cleaned in time by the belt type septic machine to keep the air fresh. At the same time, pay attention to observe the flock to avoid abnormal situations. The air circulation speed should be determined according to the farming situation. Never use cold air to avoid causing flocks.



 In the hot season, the cause of overheating in the poultry cage equipment house is that on the one hand, the atmospheric temperature is high, the solar radiation is strong, and a large amount of heat outside the house enters the house. On the other hand, the heat generated by the chicken itself is reduced by air convection and radiation loss. The heat is accumulated in the chicken house. For most buildings that are not empty, the summer is mainly the effect of insulating solar radiant heat, so that the inner surface temperature is not higher than the outdoor air temperature, and the indoor heat can be quickly emitted. For houses with ventilation and cooling equipment, in order to reduce the load of mechanical ventilation in summer, the roof is required to have a high insulation capacity. Therefore, by strengthening the thermal insulation design of the roof, walls and other peripheral structures. It can effectively prevent or reduce the temperature rise in the house caused by the combined effect of solar radiant heat and high temperature.





13 Sep

What are the advantages of cascading layer chicken cages?

Referring to the layer chicken cages, it is one of the earliest batches of mechanized poultry farming equipment. It is relatively mature in design and widely used. The currently produced laying hen cages have chicken cages for light laying hens and medium-sized laying hen cages for medium-sized farms.

Compared to the stepped cage system, the battery layer chicken cages have a smaller footprint and a larger number of layers, generally four layers and up to 10 layers high. The battery layer chicken cages can obtain more feeding area, improve the laying rate of laying hens, and have higher efficiency. For easy maintenance and repair, follow the prompting steps to control the cage system.

Automatic egg collection system can improve the cleaning rate of eggs. Convenient disinfection, easy to control parasitic diseases such as coccidiosis and worm infection. Automatic drinking water system can ensure equal water pressure and ensure the layer drinking water. The design of lengthening trough edge can reduce the waste of feed and improve the effective conversion rate of feed.

The ventilation effect is better, ensuring that the laying hens in the cage system will not die due to excessive temperature and suffocation. With the clearing belt, the cleanliness of the cage system can be ensured, the growth of pathogens can be reduced, and the disease rate and mortality of laying hens can be reduced.

Installation control is relatively simple and easy to use. Reduce the chance of chicken injury and better protect the feathers of the chicken.

The dosage of the feed can be more rationally matched, so that the feed of the laying hen is more nutritious. Helps the growth of laying hens.

When laying hens, the size of the layer raring equipment can be tailored to the different body types of the chicken and can reduce costs.

11 Sep

Is it okay to raise chickens in a chicken coop?

I believe that chickens in chicken battery cages are a trend now, but there are still many farmers who have certain doubts. Many farmers are consulting chicken cages to raise chickens. It’s good, but it’s good. , the following to answer the farmers


1. First use the chicken cage to fix the flock within a certain range, which will make it easier for the farmers to manage the flock. Moreover, the activity of the flock will also decrease, so that the weight gain will be faster.

2. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens can increase the number of farmed units per unit area and save farmers the area of ​​the house.

3. The use of chicken cages for breeding can prevent the chickens from coming into contact with the feces, thus reducing the incidence of disease in the flock and increasing the survival rate of the flock.




There are many advantages to using chicken cages to raise chickens, but chickens can cause chicken legs or egg-producing syndromes because they are not exercised for a long time in chicken cages, but these symptoms are only necessary for farmers to raise during the breeding process. Note that it can be prevented by improving its feed ingredients. It is said that the use of chicken cages to raise chickens is more advantageous than our traditional method of raising chickens.


I hope that through the analysis and summary of chicken cage chickens and poultry farming equipment for sale, we can help farmers solve their doubts. If you still have any problems, you can contact us.



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