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17 Dec

Why are some automated poultry cage farms prone to disease

Poultry cage system to carry out the chicken raising project is a project that many people like, but the disease problem of the chicken house is also a problem. Why are some chicken farms prone to disease?

Not properly disinfected. For many farmers, disinfection is clear to them, but they do not understand the pertinence of disinfection. In fact, the disinfection of chicken farms using automatic poultry farming equipment is very particular. For example, before the spring and summer, the younger brother mainly targets pathogens, and needs to target parasites in the middle and late stages. Farmers must do the disinfection work properly.



The second point is that the epidemic prevention work has not been done well. The vaccine prevention of chickens requires science, and the prevention process should not be changed lightly. Farmers need to do a good job of daily immunization of poultry, so that the effect of the vaccine can be fully utilized.

The third point is that there is no scientific medication. Chickens raised in poultry cages should strengthen their immune mechanism, which makes more poultry farmers want to use drugs to ensure their healthy growth. This is the wrong idea. Chickens who take too much medicine will have a certain degree of resistance, and the effect will be much worse when they need to take medicine. Therefore, when a poultry becomes sick, you must first know the cause of the disease and take the medicine.

The above are the precautions for raising chickens shared by chicken cage manufacturers for poultry farmers, avoiding some unscientific methods of raising chickens.

17 Dec

Is there any special poultry farming equipment for layer manure treatment?

Special poultry farming equipment is use for layer manure treatment. Chicken manure contains more than 70% water and a lot of chicken feathers. The manure produced by broiler chickens is finer than the manure produced by layer hens. The requirements for layer equipment are also more demanding when processing. High, the first indispensable thing before deep processing of chicken manure is to dehydrate chicken manure, also known as solid-liquid separation of chicken manure, and dry-wet separation of chicken manure.

The chicken manure dehydrator pumps the chicken manure into the equipment through a submerged pump or a cutting pump, and realizes the separation of manure and sewage by screw extrusion, and can process wet chicken manure with a water content of more than 70% into a water content of 35%. The left and right dried chicken manure can be directly bagged, or can be stored for a long time by simply airing and blowing in the wind.

When using laying hen equipment cages to raise laying hens, the manure in the cage can be cleaned up in the following ways:



In the breeding practice, the traditional scraper cleaning method is changed to woven bags to collect the manure, which saves time and effort, is clean and hygienic, reduces the occurrence of ammonia, and increases the utilization rate of the chicken house. The method is: cut the old woven bag with scissors, sew the edges, and then connect the woven bag to a rectangular piece of cloth according to the size of the chicken house, tie the four corners with four wire hooks, and pick it up with a thin stick. Take one corner from the bottom of the cage and send it directly to the opposite side of the cage to hang it on the cage. Use the same method to hang the other corner, and hang the two outside corners directly on the cage. When the manure comes out, take off the four hooks, shake the chicken manure towards the center, hold the two corners of the cloth with two hands, pull the whole cloth out, then fold the four corners, and send it to the outside of the house. Pour out the dung. After the cloth is cleaned, it can be reused. It is advisable to feces once every 3-5 days.

The above is a detailed introduction to the automatic manure cleaning equipment. The farmers can use this equipment without worrying about the environmental problems of the chicken house, and the chickens can grow up healthy and happy.

17 Dec

chicken layers cage supplier teaches you to choose layers

Many farmers want to raise laying hens at first. But not how to choose laying hens. chicken layers cage supplier teaches you to choose layers


We all know that we are in the chicken industry. In addition to the continuous introduction of new equipment of various types of chicken breeding equipment. The selection of laying hens is also very important. When selecting the type, the purpose must be clear and not blindly introduced. There should not be many types in a chicken farm. Generally raise one to two, relatively simple to manage.

Selection of high-quality laying hens: egg breeders are required to be small in size, tightly hairy, compact, strong in seeking food, and have no nesting ability. Other appearance shapes, such as coat color, crown shape, earlobe, weight, etc., should meet the requirements of the type.



The combs, meat beards and face of high-producing hens are smooth and warm. The interpubic area is large and can accommodate 2-3 finger widths. The anus is smooth, loose, oblate, off-white. The abdomen is large, soft and elastic, and can accommodate more than 4 fingers from the pubic bone to the end of the keel.

For example, the White Laihang chicken, originally from Italy, is a more famous and important laying hen breed. The chicken is white and close to the body. The crown is big and bright red, the rooster's crown is thick and upright, and the hen's crown is big and falling to one side. The bill, shin, and skin are all yellow, and the ear lobes are white. He has a lively and active temperament, strong food-seeking ability and adaptability, but is sensitive to environmental reactions and is easily frightened.


The above are some of the key points of the chicken cage manufacturers for selecting the types of laying broilers. I hope that the above description can help the farmers better choose the types of laying broilers. Thank you for your attention!

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