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13 Dec

Why are poultry farmers more willing to intensively raise chickens?

With the continuous development of the chicken industry, the breeding of layer broilers is now becoming more and more large-scale, and the chicken house and chicken breeding methods are constantly updated and upgraded. Nowadays, most farmers are carrying out intensive chicken breeding. And using various poultry farming equipment to complete the control of the chicken house environment, the benefits and efficiency are particularly good.

Intensive chicken farming can better control the environment of the chicken house, making the environment of the chicken house more suitable for the healthy growth and production of laying and broiler chickens and meeting the needs of chickens.

The large-scale and intensive breeding model requires farmers to invest a lot of financial and manpower to build a chicken house. The number of breeding is generally more than 10,000. The use of closed cages can make full use of the area in the chicken house to make the chickens grow. The number increases and the land utilization rate is high. The growth and production of chicken flocks can generally be controlled in accordance with chicken breeding standards, and the products they produce can meet the standards promulgated by the country.



Intensive breeding can free up manpower and lower the cost of breeding. The feeding, ventilation, egg collection, drinking water, and manure removal of the chicken house can all be controlled. And the use of equipment to raise chickens is more advanced and efficient, and the waste of feed will be greatly reduced, thereby reducing the cost of feeding while improving production efficiency.

Intensive breeding can be effectively isolated from the outside world with less cross-contamination. Since the enclosed chicken house is better isolated from the outside world, the probability of pathogenic microorganisms inside and outside the chicken house entering and leaving the chicken house will be reduced. At the same time, the disinfection and sterilization of the chicken house can be controlled. In a certain space, the chance of cross-contamination will be greatly reduced, which is beneficial to the prevention and control of diseases, especially major animal diseases.

The disease of the chicken flock can be better controlled, reducing the cost of disease treatment. The closed chicken house has less cross-contamination and the internal environment of the chicken house is well controllable. The chicken flock is less affected by the outside world, and the risk of the chicken flock is low. Compared with other types of chicken coops, even if the chickens are infected with the same disease, because the internal environment is good, the medication is more scientific and effective, so the treatment is easier and the treatment cost is lower.

The above are the advantages of intensive poultry farming shared by chicken cage manufacturers. A detailed understanding and description of intensive farming will help farmers to learn more about poultry farming equipment and related knowledge of intensive farming.

09 Dec

How to control the diet of chickens in battery cages

In recent years, the poultry farming equipment of poultry industry has received more attention, and people naturally pay more attention to poultry rations. The eating situation of the chickens affects the subsequent production potential. So how to meet the nutritional needs of poultry?

First of all, the ration must be targeted. Different types of chickens have different nutritional needs under different growth conditions.



The feed of the second chicken ration should be diversified, and the preparation of chicken rations should use as many feeds as possible, so that various nutrients can play a complementary role, thereby improving the full price and utilization rate of the chicken ration.

The third chicken ration should be kept relatively stable as much as possible. If it really needs to be changed, it should be changed gradually. It is best to have a transition period of 5 to 10 days to avoid stress, which affects the chicken's appetite and reduces production performance. Especially for hens during the laying period, more attention should be paid to the relative stability of the feed.

Fourth, because chickens live in battery cages, they have relatively little exercise. Therefore, the feed of chicken rations should be diversified, and the preparation of chicken rations should use as many feeds as possible, so that various nutrients can play a complementary role, thereby improving the completeness and utilization of chicken rations.

06 Dec

What are the advantages and disadvantages of poultry battery cages?

Poultry battery cages can be fully automatic. It can realize feeding, drinking water, cleaning manure, egg collection, ventilation and so on. It is very advanced and realizes automatic control. This reduces the labor intensity of workers and saves labor costs.

That is, chicken cages are tiers on top of each other like buildings. This kind of equipment was developed in the later period. As land resources are becoming more and more tense, there is less and less land that can be used for breeding purposes, so more and more customers will raise the density The increase is to save land, and the degree of intensification is getting higher and higher. Some even have 8-10 tiers, and a chicken house can raise 100,000 chickens.



The advantages of battery layer cages

Reduce labor costs, realize full automatic control of feeding, feeding, drinking, manure removal, and environment, reducing labor intensity of workers and saving labor costs; There is a manure removal belt at the bottom of each cage, which is clean and hygienic to ensure the health of the chicken;

Small footprint, high space utilization, easy to achieve intensive and large-scale breeding;

Cleaning of chicken manure, easy to collect and centralize processing, high utilization rate of chicken manure, and minimal environmental pollution;

The fully enclosed breeding mode is conducive to preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases and improving the health of chickens.


Battery layer cage disadvantages

Must be closed, automatic temperature control, otherwise the temperature in the chicken house is difficult to control;

The risk factor is relatively high. There are tens of thousands of chickens in a house.

It depends on which type of layer cages, the large-scale layering equipment can hold ten layers, the amount of chickens is large, and the cost is relatively high. Small-scale stacked three to four-layer chickens have a small amount of chickens and are suitable for small-scale breeding.

01 Dec

How do farmers need to manage the chickens that are about to lay in the battery layer cages

The laying period of hens is a very important period for farmers. At this time, farmers should pay more attention to the management of the chickens in the battery layer cages, so that the chickens should not have a stress response. And during this period of time, the hen's physiological changes are drastic, sensitive, weak in adaptability, and poor in disease resistance. Improper feeding and management can easily affect the performance of laying eggs. The following aspects should be paid attention to in the feeding and management of layer cage breeding before the start of production.



Pay attention to immunization of laying hens. Immunization before laying eggs is very important. The immunization procedure is reasonable, in line with the actual situation of the site, the source of the vaccine is reliable, well-preserved, quality guaranteed, the vaccination route is appropriate, the operation is correct, and the dosage is accurate. After vaccination, check the effect of vaccination, and if necessary, carry out antibody testing to ensure the effect of vaccination, so that the chickens have sufficient antibody levels to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Light control of laying hens. Light has a great influence on the reproductive function of chickens. Increasing light can stimulate the secretion of sex hormones and promote egg production, and shortening the light will inhibit the secretion of sex hormones, thus inhibiting ovulation and laying eggs. Through the light control of laying hens, to stimulate and maintain egg production balance. In addition, the light can adjust the sexual maturity of the hens and make the hens tidy, so the light control before and after the birth is very important. Modern high-yielding hybrid lines have the ability to start production early, and light stimulation should be properly advanced to advance the time for new hens to start production, which is conducive to reducing feeding costs.


Maintain a clean and hygienic living environment for laying hens. Farmers can use the automatic ventilation system and manure removal system in the automatic poultry farming equipment to treat and maintain the environment of the chicken house.

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