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Advantages of using broiler cage farming

In the current aquaculture industry, broiler rearing equipment farming is very popular and relatively popular. Every farmer's idea is to make their own chickens grow better. Therefore, many farmers now buy broiler cages for broiler breeding. What are the advantages? The authors will analyze the advantages of using poultry battery cage equipment for breeding.

Everyone knows that broilers are the kind of meat that is better than the ones, and the skin is softer. That is to say, if you want to carry out cages, you should use cages made of softer steel wires. If the cage is made of wire, when the broiler is at the bottom, it may scratch the skin and cause bacterial infection. The broiler will become ill and may spread in the flock.

There is also the use of broiler cages for raising broilers, which can keep the sanitation inside the house. In other words, it is possible to prevent the broiler from being directly licked on the chicken manure, thereby preventing the broiler from being infected by the virus in the chicken manure. In some cases, the incidence of broilers is avoided, so that in many cases, some viruses can be prevented from spreading.

Purchasing high quality broiler cages can create a better environment, that is, it is a kind of cage suitable for broiler growth. In many cases, it is better suited to the growth of broilers. In this way, there is a suitable growth environment that is conducive to the growth of broilers.

At the same time, the use of broiler cages is more convenient for mechanized operation, which can greatly improve labor productivity, which greatly reduces labor costs. At the same time, it can also be scientifically managed to achieve better economic benefits. It is made of softer steel wire and is more suitable for broiler chickens. It has the advantage of being able to bring better economic benefits to farmers.

Finally, the health of the house kept by the chicken in the broiler cage is reduced, thereby reducing the cost of epidemic prevention and reducing the energy consumption of the broiler. Broiler cages constrain the activity of broilers, reducing energy costs, reaching the same weight shortens the production cycle and reduces feed costs. The number of broiler chickens per unit volume has been greatly increased.

The above is the author's analysis of the advantages of using broiler cage equipment to breed broiler chickens. If the farmer has other questions and wants to consult, he can consult the technicians of the poultry equipment manufacturer.



Correct use of temperature control by laying broiler equipment

Most chickens are kept in battery cage for chickens, and this is the case with large-scale farming, because raising chickens in chicken cages will cause less trouble to the farmers and better chickens. The temperature of the house should be well controlled. The humidity in the house during the brooding period will be too high, which will affect the metabolism of water. It will be detrimental to the feather growth process of the flock, and it will easily cause the growth of the germs and protozoa. The laying hens are used to control the temperature inside the house. The humidity in the house is too low, the chicks are prone to catch cold, and the water is large, which greatly affects the absorption of the egg yolk, and causes dust to fly, leading to respiratory diseases. In severe cases, the chicks will die due to dehydration in the body.





In poultry breeding equipment, the appropriate humidity in the chicken house is 61% to 71% around ten days old; the principle of humidity control from 55% to 61% around ten days is that the early stage should not be too low, and the high temperature should be avoided in the later stage. The humidity of the laying house to the laying house should be controlled from 55% to 65%. Ventilation requires the removal of harmful gases by adjusting the temperature, humidity, and air circulation rate. At the same time, the chicken manure under the hot-dip galvanized chicken cage is cleaned in time by the belt type septic machine to keep the air fresh. At the same time, pay attention to observe the flock to avoid abnormal situations. The air circulation speed should be determined according to the farming situation. Never use cold air to avoid causing flocks.



 In the hot season, the cause of overheating in the poultry cage equipment house is that on the one hand, the atmospheric temperature is high, the solar radiation is strong, and a large amount of heat outside the house enters the house. On the other hand, the heat generated by the chicken itself is reduced by air convection and radiation loss. The heat is accumulated in the chicken house. For most buildings that are not empty, the summer is mainly the effect of insulating solar radiant heat, so that the inner surface temperature is not higher than the outdoor air temperature, and the indoor heat can be quickly emitted. For houses with ventilation and cooling equipment, in order to reduce the load of mechanical ventilation in summer, the roof is required to have a high insulation capacity. Therefore, by strengthening the thermal insulation design of the roof, walls and other peripheral structures. It can effectively prevent or reduce the temperature rise in the house caused by the combined effect of solar radiant heat and high temperature.






What are the advantages of cascading layer chicken cages?

Referring to the layer chicken cages, it is one of the earliest batches of mechanized poultry farming equipment. It is relatively mature in design and widely used. The currently produced laying hen cages have chicken cages for light laying hens and medium-sized laying hen cages for medium-sized farms.

Compared to the stepped cage system, the battery layer chicken cages have a smaller footprint and a larger number of layers, generally four layers and up to 10 layers high. The battery layer chicken cages can obtain more feeding area, improve the laying rate of laying hens, and have higher efficiency. For easy maintenance and repair, follow the prompting steps to control the cage system.

Automatic egg collection system can improve the cleaning rate of eggs. Convenient disinfection, easy to control parasitic diseases such as coccidiosis and worm infection. Automatic drinking water system can ensure equal water pressure and ensure the layer drinking water. The design of lengthening trough edge can reduce the waste of feed and improve the effective conversion rate of feed.

The ventilation effect is better, ensuring that the laying hens in the cage system will not die due to excessive temperature and suffocation. With the clearing belt, the cleanliness of the cage system can be ensured, the growth of pathogens can be reduced, and the disease rate and mortality of laying hens can be reduced.

Installation control is relatively simple and easy to use. Reduce the chance of chicken injury and better protect the feathers of the chicken.

The dosage of the feed can be more rationally matched, so that the feed of the laying hen is more nutritious. Helps the growth of laying hens.

When laying hens, the size of the layer raring equipment can be tailored to the different body types of the chicken and can reduce costs.


Is it okay to raise chickens in a chicken coop?

I believe that chickens in chicken battery cages are a trend now, but there are still many farmers who have certain doubts. Many farmers are consulting chicken cages to raise chickens. It’s good, but it’s good. , the following to answer the farmers


1. First use the chicken cage to fix the flock within a certain range, which will make it easier for the farmers to manage the flock. Moreover, the activity of the flock will also decrease, so that the weight gain will be faster.

2. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens can increase the number of farmed units per unit area and save farmers the area of ​​the house.

3. The use of chicken cages for breeding can prevent the chickens from coming into contact with the feces, thus reducing the incidence of disease in the flock and increasing the survival rate of the flock.




There are many advantages to using chicken cages to raise chickens, but chickens can cause chicken legs or egg-producing syndromes because they are not exercised for a long time in chicken cages, but these symptoms are only necessary for farmers to raise during the breeding process. Note that it can be prevented by improving its feed ingredients. It is said that the use of chicken cages to raise chickens is more advantageous than our traditional method of raising chickens.


I hope that through the analysis and summary of chicken cage chickens and poultry farming equipment for sale, we can help farmers solve their doubts. If you still have any problems, you can contact us.




Advantages of using modern broiler cage farming equipment

Broiler cages are essential equipment for modern farming users to breed broilers and brood. The use of broiler cages by farmers can save feed, promote egg production, reduce costs and gain more benefits. This equipment can also be designed and manufactured according to the size of the culture site of the farmer. So what are the advantages of using modern broiler rearing equipment?

In order to raise a good chicken house environment, it is inseparable to choose high-quality chicken and scientific farming methods. Especially in the temperature, humidity, density, ventilation, lighting, feeding and scientific control, is a necessary factor for the success of farming. These are inseparable from the assistance of farming equipment. The advantages of using a broiler cage are as follows:

1. Using broiler cages to breed broilers, you can make full use of the chicken house area and raise more chickens, and the cage area is relatively small. This will reduce the footprint and raise more chicken. The use of broiler cage culture can isolate the flock from the feces, thus avoiding contact with the flock and reducing the spread of disease.

2. It can install automatic feeding equipment, automatic water dispenser, automatic cleaning equipment, and modern ventilation and cooling equipment. The automatic feeding equipment is specially designed for the loading equipment of the cage type. It has uniform feed feeding, small loss, convenient operation and convenient steering maintenance. Drinking fountains can save water and prevent bacterial contamination so that broilers can automatically drink water, and also ensure the environment inside the house and reduce disease.

3. It can reduce the intensity of manual work, reduce labor and improve work efficiency. There is also a modern pure-based fuel boiler, which has the characteristics of fast temperature increase, environmental protection and economy. The development prospects of modern poultry farming equipment are excellent.

The above is the author's advantage of using automated poultry farming equipment, I hope to help everyone.



Feeding density of broilers in chicken cages

When raising chickens, you can choose to raise broilers or laying hens in layer battery cage or broiler battery cage according to the needs of farmers. Today, it is important to talk about the density of broilers in chicken cages. How to raise the density of chickens in broiler cages is reasonable. .



We all know that the feeding period of broilers is short, that is to say, the growth rate of broilers is relatively fast. If the breeding population is too dense in the process of raising broilers, the growth of broilers will be hindered and the health of broilers will also be affected. Broiler breeding The density is suitable or not, which is related to the breeding efficiency of broiler farmers. Let us talk about the reasonable stocking density of broilers.





I. The effect of high density of chicken houses: During the process of raising chickens in broiler cages, the stocking density controlled by the farmers has a great influence on the health and growth of broilers. The density is too high, the chickens are stepped on, the accidental mortality rate is high, and the disease occurs. The rate is high. High stocking density has a negative impact on the growth performance, dynamic composition and meat quality of broilers, which can reduce the quality of broilers; and the density is too large, the air inside the house is easy to be polluted, the sanitary environment is not good, the food is crowded, and the water is grabbed. Insufficient hunger and satiety, resulting in slow development of broiler production, irregular development, easy infection of diseases and paralysis, and increased mortality.


2. Reasonable and suitable density for broiler chickens: For the more born chicks, the farmers can control the stocking density to about 30/m2, and then gradually expand the space or evacuate the chickens as they grow up. By the age of 40 days, the stocking density is generally 10-15/m2. Of course, if it is a non-closed house, it can be kept at 10/m2, a closed house can be 12/m2, and an environmentally controlled house can reach 13/m2.

The above is the broiler cages for sale raising broiler density problem. Reasonable feeding density is the key factor for successful broiler breeding. This is also the key knowledge of broiler breeding technology. Broiler farmers must correctly arrange broiler breeding density to scientifically and efficiently raise broiler chickens. To ensure the healthy breeding of chicken farms in broiler farms.




What are the advantages of automated chicken breeding equipment?

The automated chicken farming equipment is mainly composed of cage system, automated egg collection system, automatic cleaning system, automatic feeding equipment, automatic lighting system and environmental control system equipment. When the equipment is designed, it adopts automatic control and the operation mode is relatively simple. It is suitable for intensive breeding of brooding, broiler and laying hens of different scales. Now many chicken farmers are gradually feeling that traditional chicken equipment can not meet their own needs, and they are gradually moving from traditional artificial breeding equipment to automated farming, and the breeding industry is intensive, planning and standardized development.

1. Improve production efficiency, greatly increase production capacity, and have significant economic benefits

The self-cultivation density of the automatic chicken raising equipment is extremely high, and the feeding output is large, and the benefits can be reasonably doubled. If the chickens are raised in flat or shed, they will occupy more places. If you use automatic cages, the density will be large. It can be said that the chicken houses of the same building area will raise more chickens.

The use of automated chicken farming equipment, professional decontamination and feeding equipment, so that the feces in the chicken house can be cleaned out in time. At the same time, it ensures the clean and pollution-free environment of the chicken house and provides a good living environment for the chickens. The use of an automatic feeding system to feed the flocks ensures uniform feeding, which increases the uniformity of the growth of the birds and increases the egg production rate.

In the case of normal open house, the laying hens produce 15-16 kg of eggs per egg, the ratio of eggs to eggs is 2.6-2.8, and the rate of death is 20-30%. In closed chicken houses, it can be reached. Each laying hen produces 19 kg per year, with an expected egg ratio of 2.20 and a dead rate of 6%. This is the automation equipment to provide a very comfortable condition for the chicken, so the egg production performance and growth performance are very good.

2. Reduce manpower and significantly reduce production costs

Using automated chicken equipment to raise chickens, all equipment can be automatically replaced by labor, which can save farmers the cost of labor and reduce the cost of hiring labor. The use of automated layer rearing equipment is more convenient for mechanized operations, which can greatly improve labor productivity, which greatly reduces the labor costs.

In recent years, the number of laying hens with a scale of less than 2,000 has been declining, and the scale of 10,000 to 50,000 even larger scales is increasing. Although the scale construction is relatively fast now, the overall proportion of the scale field in the country is relatively low. Now it is changing and developing in the direction of scale and intensification.



Common breeding equipment in chicken farms

We all know that the number of chickens raised by farmers is more than the time to use chicken poultry farming cage to raise chickens. This is convenient and quick for large-scale chicken farms. What?


Heating of chicken farm equipment: As long as the purpose of heating and heat preservation can be achieved, heating methods such as electric heating, water heating, coal stove and even fire, mantle and so on can be used, but it should be noted that the heating of the coal stove is dirty and gas poisoning is prone to occur. Pay attention to thermal insulation when designing the house.


Ventilation equipment for chicken equipment: The closed house must be mechanically ventilated. According to the flow direction of the airflow in the house, it can be divided into two types: horizontal ventilation and longitudinal ventilation. Lateral ventilation means that the direction of airflow in the house is perpendicular to the long axis of the house. Longitudinal ventilation refers to the way in which a large number of fans are concentrated in one place, so that the airflow in the house is parallel to the long axis of the house. The longitudinal ventilation effect is better, which can eliminate and overcome the phenomenon that the ventilation speed in the horizontal ventilation is small and uneven, and eliminate the disadvantages of cross ventilation caused by lateral ventilation.





Water supply equipment for chicken equipment: From the perspective of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination, the nipple drinker is an ideal water supply device, and a water dispenser that does not leak water must be selected. Nowadays caged chickens and laying hens are commonly used in V-shaped sinks, which are often supplied with water, but every day they have to spend energy to wash the sink. A flat-type automatic drinking fountain can be used during brooding, which is both hygienic and water-saving.


Feeding equipment for chicken equipment in laying hen cages: The feeding trough is mainly used, and the cages are used for long-term troughs. When feeding brooding, this feeding method can also be used, or the bucket can be used for feeding. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the throwing of the feed of the chicken. The trough is too shallow, and no protective edge will cause more feed waste.


Egg collection equipment for chicken equipment: The chicken farm with high degree of mechanization uses the conveyor belt to automatically collect eggs, which has high efficiency but high breakage rate.

The above is about the use of commonly automatic poultry farming equipment in chicken farms. If you want to know more, you can send us an email.



How to make chicken disinfection in the chicken house more scientific

In the process of broiler chickens in chicken battery cage for broilers , chicken disinfection is a work that every farmer must pay attention to. The existence of pathogenic microorganisms in the houses of each farmer, especially when the weather is hot, is microbial reproduction. In a good period, it will directly affect the health of the flock. Therefore, reasonable and effective disinfection can provide a hygienic growth production environment for the flock and reduce the prevalence of the flock. Therefore, how can the farmers be more scientific and effective? Let me tell you something.





1. Clean the house before disinfection: Before the farmers are disinfected with the chicken, they should pay attention to the thorough cleaning of the roof, walls, chicken house passages and dust on the chicken battery cages . Improve disinfection and save drug use.

2, choose high-quality disinfection drugs: farmers should choose to use broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, strong sterilization effect but no toxicity, no irritating, no residue, and less corrosive to metal and plastic products. The disinfectant, farmers can choose according to their actual situation and local varieties.

3. Scientific preparation of disinfectant: When formulating disinfectant drugs, farmers should pay attention to selecting deep well water or tap water with less impurities, and pay attention to the water temperature control at 30~45 °C. Another important point is that the stability of the disinfectant medicinal water after dilution is worse, so the farmer must be ready to use now, once used up, the prepared disinfectant can not be stored.

4. Selection of disinfection equipment and correct spraying: When selecting disinfection equipment, it is recommended that farmers can choose high-pressure power sprayer or knapsack sprayer. When spraying, spray the circle above the chicken house. At 80 to 120 microns. If the fog is too small, it can easily be inhaled into the respiratory tract by the chicken, causing pulmonary edema. In severe cases, it may also induce respiratory diseases. However, if the fog is too large, it may cause uneven spray and increase the humidity of the house.

5. Master the frequency of spray disinfection and spray volume: Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that the farmer's chicken house can choose to disinfect the chicken 2 to 3 times a week. Farmers should not carry out chicken spray disinfection during the brooding stage, but they can be disinfected with chicken after 1 week of age. However, it should be noted that the general amount of spray is calculated according to 30 to 50 ml per square meter, the amount of chicks sprayed is less, and the amount of medium-large chicken is more.


Chicken cage equipment disinfection precautions

Chicken cage is the main chicken raising method in the chicken industry today. It can raise the number of chickens for farmers, achieve intensive farming, and facilitate management. Chicken battery cages have a long life span, and the longer the cages are used, the more dirt and bacteria are on the cages. In order to ensure the healthy environment of the flock, the farmers should regularly do the disinfection of the chicken cage to ensure the hygienic environment of the chicken cages and the chicken coop. The following authors will share some of the points of disinfection of poultry farming equipment cages to farmers.

1. Eliminate dirt: There are many dirt on the chicken cage, including residual feces, dust, feathers, spider webs, dirty litter and so on. These contaminants can prevent the disinfectant from coming into contact with the bacteria. If it is not clear, direct disinfection will reduce the disinfection efficacy. Therefore, the farmer must remove the chicken cage and the dirt in the chicken house before spraying the disinfectant. It is recommended that the farmer first remove the solid dirt with an iron brush, then rinse it with water. After drying, spray the disinfectant solution.

2. The dosage is sufficient: the disinfectant drugs need to be prepared, so the farmers must prepare according to the specified concentration when preparing the disinfectant, and can not increase or decrease arbitrarily, so as to prevent the disinfectant from playing a good effect. In addition, farmers should pay attention to the chicken house and chicken cage equipment to be fully dry before they can be disinfected. If the drying is not complete or sprayed immediately after rinsing, the residual moisture will dilute the disinfectant solution and will also affect the drug penetration.

3. Appropriate time: Disinfecting drugs can not be effective immediately, so the farmers must have sufficient time for disinfection, and different disinfectant characteristics are different, so the disinfection effect and time requirements are also inconsistent. If fumigation is carried out, it is recommended that the farmer must fumigate the house for 8 to 10 hours, and after fumigation, leave at least one week of vacancy; if the farmer chooses to use bleach to disinfect the drinking water, it only takes 30 minutes. If the farmer chooses to use peracetic acid spray disinfection, it usually takes 10-20 minutes; when using lime milk for fecal disinfection, the contact time between the lime milk and the feces should be at least 2 hours.

4. The temperature and humidity of the chicken house should be suitable: temperature and humidity will directly affect the disinfection effect, especially for fumigation. The level of humidity will affect the disinfection effect and even lead to disinfection failure. When the relative humidity of the house is below 60%, the bactericidal power of the disinfectant is relatively strong. When the humidity in the house reaches 80% to 90%, the bactericidal power of the disinfectant will drop by 30% to 40%.

The above are some of the main points and precautions that the author introduced for the farmers to disinfect the poultry battery cages. It is hoped that farmers can pay more attention, rationally choose disinfection methods, and correctly implement disinfection steps, so that disinfecting drugs can play a good role, killing pathogenic microorganisms in chicken houses and chicken cages, and ensuring healthy growth and production of chickens.


How to maintain automatic egg laying equipment?

Farmers want to carry out large-scale, intensive farming is inseparable from automatic poultry farming equipment, automatic egg chicken breeding equipment is a good helper for laying hens to complete chicken farming, now the chicken equipment is very mechanized The years that can be used are also very long, which requires the farmers to carry out regular maintenance and maintenance of the equipment.





1. Automatic feeding machine: When the feeding machine is used, the farmer must pay attention to it. The feeding machine can not put things on it. Otherwise, the motor may be subjected to excessive pressure and burn the motor. When using the feeding machine, it must be guaranteed. Chains and gears have a certain degree of lubrication. Otherwise, lack of lubrication will damage the machine. Farmers should pay attention to regular inspections. The feeders mainly transport the feed by the skin. Therefore, the farmers should check whether the belts are in good condition and the tightness is appropriate. The control box of the feeder will have a large amount of dust due to the dust generated by the feed. If it is long-term, the internal circuit will be short-circuited, and the farmer should clean it regularly.


2, automatic quail egg machine: farmers should pay attention to the correct operation method of the detailed learning equipment when using the automatic quail egg machine, if it is used improperly, it will easily cause damage to the equipment. When using the quail egg machine, be sure to pay attention to the often Disinfection, because the equipment will inevitably leave some chicken droppings, chicken feathers and other things with germs. If you always use equipment that carries germs and does not clean frequently, the quality of the eggs will drop.


3. Automatic cleaning machine: After using the cleaning machine for a period of time in poultry farm cage, the farmers will have the phenomenon of prolonging and prolonging the loosening of the soil. If there is any phenomenon, the farmers should cut off a section and re-weld. The farmers should check regularly. Bearings and rubber rollers, the bearings should be regularly added with butter, and the rubber rollers should be kept tight and not loose. In addition, many farmers have the opportunity to clear the dung, and the farmers will flatten the waste belt at the passive roller. That's it.


How to raise the survival rate of chickens?

Nowadays, all the large-scale farmers carry out intensive farming mode, and all kinds of poultry farming equipment are used for mechanized farming. How to raise the survival rate of chickens in the process of raising is always what farmers want to know, because only the survival rate is high, and farmers can get high benefits. Here is a brief introduction to the farmers to learn how to raise the survival rate of chickens.

1. Do a good job in drug prevention: Increasing the survival rate of flocks is to reduce the prevalence of flocks. Therefore, prevention in all aspects is very important. Drug prevention is critical. Most bacterial diseases rely on drugs. Regularly delivered for prevention purposes. Bacterial diseases and parasitic diseases prevalent in spring mainly include colibacillosis, salmonellosis, chronic respiratory diseases, coccidiosis, etc., and most of these diseases are closely related to age and environmental changes. This requires different medication prevention procedures based on different situations.

2. Create a comfortable growth temperature: During the feeding process, the temperature of the house is controlled by the farmers, which is very important for the growth and survival rate of the flock. In particular, the management of the temperature of the house, when the ambient temperature mutates, when it exceeds a certain limit, it will cause disturbance of the metabolism of the chicken body, suppression of immunity, and even death. Therefore, controlling the temperature is very important for the growth and survival rate of the flock. Farmers should pay attention to the reasonable control according to the temperature of the laying hens and broilers and the different growth stages.

3. To do a good job in chicken farm immunization: immunization should pay attention to Newcastle disease, flu, and spread the disease, and blastocyst is more suitable for hatchery immunization. The immune effect is more reliable with eyedrops, nasal drops, subcutaneous injections, and sprays. There are still many immune holes and problems in drinking water, but many chicken farms are just accustomed to drinking water immunity, which is easy to save.

4. Configure the feed according to the nutrition standard: Only the chickens can reach the standard feed nutrition to ensure the normal growth and survival rate of the chickens. Therefore, farmers should choose reasonable feed ingredients according to the nutritional needs of different stages of the chicken, and pay attention to the quality of the feed. Feed ingredients require fresh and mold-free, pay attention to the storage of feed.

5. Do a good job of ventilation in chicken houses and chicken battery cages: ammonia gas, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the chicken house will seriously affect the health of the chickens and reduce the survival rate of the chickens. Reasonable and effective ventilation can remove the harmful gases from the house and remove the fresh air from the house. Therefore, the ventilation of the house is very important. Especially when feeding in winter, farmers should not think about heat preservation, not only to prevent cold insulation, but also to pay attention to ventilation.

The above is the point that the author tells the farmers about how to raise the survival rate of chickens in the process of raising chickens using poultry farming equipment. In addition to paying attention to the above points, farmers should pay attention to the various stages of chicken growth, observe more, and timely find problems in a timely manner to ensure the survival rate of the flock.


About Feeding points of chickens in autumn egg cages

The hot summer is about to pass, the weather is slowly entering the autumn, and the autumn weather will gradually turn cold. For the chicken farms where the layer cages for sale are chickens , it is a good time for the new laying hens to lay eggs, so the laying hens during this period Users should take scientific and reasonable methods to make laying hens produce more eggs, increase egg production performance, and improve the economic benefits of farmers. What are the breeding points of laying hens in autumn egg cages?





1. Adjust the chickens: After entering the autumn, the farmers should pay attention to adjusting the chickens, and the low-yielding laying hens should be eliminated in a timely manner. The weak chickens, the chickens, the chickens with serious sin and the chickens with no therapeutic value should be Elimination will increase feed utilization and increase laying rate of laying hens.

2, increase feed nutrition: After the hot summer, the chickens will be more tired into the autumn, so this period farmers should pay attention to timely adjustment of feed nutrition, after the autumn should feed more animal protein feed, can guarantee that not yet The moulting chicken continues to moult and lay eggs, which promotes the feathered chicken to grow into feathers and restore the eggs as soon as possible.

3, the use of additives: in the process of feeding the laying hens in the fall, farmers can add some additives to improve the laying rate of laying hens. Enhance the body's ability to resist stress and disease, and save feed.

4. Increasing the illumination time: For users who use the open chicken house to raise laying hens, it should be noted that the natural light time will gradually decrease after the autumn, so the farmers should pay attention to moderately supplementing the light. When supplementing the light, the ground light intensity is preferably 3 lux. Turn on the lights twice a day, turn on the lights until dawn at 4 to 5 in the first morning, and turn on the lights until 20 to 21 in the second dark. Turn on the lights during the cloudy days.

5, forced moulting: autumn is the period of laying hens, in order not to affect the economic benefits of farmers, most farmers will choose to force the moulting moulting, forced moulting can promote the simultaneous moulting, and open Production, but pay attention to scientific and effective methods is to ensure the success of laying hens and ensure the key to egg production performance.

6, timely deworming: after entering the fall, farmers should pay attention to the work of deworming, autumn is the best time for egg worms, choose some effective drugs to deworm according to the correct method, give the chickens a safe production surroundings.



The above is the method of breeding the laying hens in the autumn, so that when using the automatic poultry farming equipment to raise chickens, it will be more efficient and rapid, and bring better breeding income.




What is the harm of the poor environment of the farm to the chicks?

The environment of the chicken house is very important for the growth of the chicken. The growth and health of the chicken has been affected by the environment, and the environment is not good, which may cause the chickens to develop diseases in batches. In particular, many farmers now use closed chicken houses, which have higher breeding density and more important environmental problems. If the environment is not good, it will cause harm to the chickens.

1. Hazard performance of low temperature: The chick is just born, has poor resistance, and needs relatively high temperature to ensure health. If the temperature of the brood house at this time is too low, it will cause the chicks to die in large quantities, the chicks will show fluffy, and the piles will be piled up due to the low temperature, and the chicks will have their wings sagged and squeaking. If the low temperature lasts for a long time, it can cause a large number of deaths.

2. High temperature: Although the growth of chicks requires relatively high temperatures, the temperature that continues to be too high will affect the health of the chicks. Temporary high temperature, chicks have certain adaptability and regulation ability, but if the farmers have been keeping the chicks in a high temperature environment for a long time, the body temperature regulation mechanism in the chicken chicken group cannot be resisted. If it exceeds a certain limit, the chick will die. Generally, high-temperature-affected chickens express their mouths and gasp, and they will stay away from the hotter places, the feed intake will be greatly reduced, and the need for water will increase greatly, and the chicks will continue to die. Even if there is no large number of deaths, due to high fever, the growth and development of the chicks will be stagnant due to the decrease in feed intake, and other diseases can be induced.

3. Hypoxia or carbon dioxide poisoning: If the chicks are kept in a closed chicken house, if the farmer does not pay attention to timely and reasonable ventilation, it will easily lead to the phenomenon of carbon dioxide poisoning caused by the lack of oxygen in the house. The method of checking the accumulation of hypoxia and carbon dioxide is the farmer. You can choose to ignite a candle 10 cm from the bottom of the cage. If the candle is not easy to ignite or is quickly extinguished, it means that the house is lack of oxygen or carbon dioxide.

4. Ammonia: The chicken house will produce a large amount of manure every day. If the farmer does not clean the manure in time, it will cause a large amount of ammonia gas to be produced in the manure. When the concentration of ammonia gas exceeds 25ppm, it can stimulate the eye and cause conjunctiva. Inflammation and corneal ulcers can make chicks susceptible to respiratory diseases; when the concentration reaches 80ppm, the appetite of the chicken can be reduced, weight loss, and various diseases can be induced, resulting in batch death of the chicks.

The above is what the author tells the farmers. In the process of using chicken battery cages to raise chicks, the environmental control in the chicken house will cause several hazards to the chicks. It is hoped that farmers can reduce the existence of the above misunderstandings and create a comfortable growth environment for chicks to ensure a good survival rate.