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31 Oct

How to raise and manage broiler chickens in chicken cages?

This year's broiler farming industry has a good form due to the continued high pork prices. However, many people want to raise broilers, but they don't know how to manage them. Next, the author will briefly introduce the management techniques of using chicken cages to raise broilers.

Preparation before the chicken

1. Check the waterline
    Ensure that each hose is in good condition, no water leakage, no water seepage, and ensure normal water supply.

2. Check the cage
    Make sure that each nipple is switched freely and that each cage is closed. In case the chicken is drilled out of the cage.

3. Check the temperature
    Check whether the water pipeline, boiler, temperature control computer and radiator are normal. Place the temperature control probe on the horizontal level of the second layer chicken. Then close all vents and skylights and ignite the heat. Observe the time required for the room temperature to reach 30 °C. At the same time, according to the indoor structure and layout of the chicken shed, place the hygrometer and thermometer in different parts such as upper, middle and lower layers. Check the actual humidity and temperature of each part, see how big the gap is with the temperature control computer, and make a record.

4. Check the lights
    The light in the room should be soft and bright, and it can pass through various parts to ensure sufficient light.

5. Check the power line
    It is necessary to carefully check the electrical lines of each appliance to see if the wiring is leaking, and there are more metal in the chicken house. Leakage can have serious consequences.

6. Disinfection
    Choose a disinfectant that is not corrosive to metals. The chicken house was closed for 1 week in advance for fumigation for 24 to 48 hours. After ventilation for 20 days, spray disinfection.

30 Oct

Reasonable Use of Cages in Chicken Farms

More and more breeders choose chicken cages to raise chickens. How to use chicken cages to raise chickens is very important in chicken production. The usage methods of several chicken cages are briefly introduced as follows

1. brooding cage

Chickens aged 0 ~ 30 days are generally raised. The specifications of this kind of cage are 187×60×30cm in general. It is a cuboid structure with the middle separated. Both sides of the chicken cage can be fed. There are adjusting nets on both sides of the cage, which can be used for brooding and breeding. The net at the bottom of the chicken coop is relatively dense and has long squares. According to the structure of the cage, it is generally a three-dimensional structure, divided into 3 or 4 layers. A dung receiving plate is arranged between the layers. Troughs and water tanks are hung on both sides of the chicken cage for chicks to eat and drink. The advantages of using chicken cages are to make full use of the area of the brooding room, facilitate heat preservation and disinfection, separate chicken and chicken manure, reduce the occurrence of coccidiosis and other diseases, and improve the survival rate.


2. Nurturing cages

It is mainly used for 30-140 day old chickens. The specifications of the cage are divided into four doors and five doors, generally 187×33×50cm and 195×33×50cm. In installation, it is generally a herringbone stepped three-layer structure. Staggered layers of chicken manure leaked to the bottom of the cage. The trough and sink are hung on one side of the chicken cage to enable the chicken to eat and drink. The characteristics of the rearing cage are that the steel wire used in the chicken cage is thinner and the bottom net is denser, which is generally suitable for chickens after brooding and before laying eggs.





3. layer chicken cage

Generally used for laying hens. Egg cages are characterized by thick steel wires, elasticity and egg receiving plates. Chickens lay eggs in the cages and the eggs roll out of the cages for easy collection. If the steel wire is too thin, it is easy to make the chicken coop droop, so the bottom of the coop must be provided with supporting steel bars to prevent the chicken coop from drooping.


4. Planting Chicken Cages

The main breed of rooster is 187×45×50cm, with 6 doors, each cage should weigh 9 ~ 10kg. A rooster is kept in one cage, and the installation method is basically the same as that of an egg chicken cage. This kind of cage is characterized by thick steel wires and large cage doors, which are convenient for catching chickens and collecting fine chemicals. In addition, there are broiler cages, the size of which is basically the same as that of egg cages.


In a word, the scale of chicken battery cages is the same from place to place, and the use method is basically the same. Using chicken coops to raise chickens can reduce the amount of exercise of chickens, reduce the energy consumption of chickens, and facilitate feeding management, epidemic prevention and disinfection. Reasonable use of chicken cages for raising chickens can reduce the labor intensity of breeders, reduce the raising cost and improve the economic benefits of raising chickens.


29 Oct

Effect of Waterline Height on Broiler Growth In Chicken House

Now the conditions in the chicken coop are getting better and better. the necessary equipment in the chicken poultry farming cage are breeding equipment, chicken coop, dung cleaning equipment, feeding equipment, etc. all have certain effects on the growth of broilers. water is the source of life, and the growth of chickens cannot be separated from boiled water. some farms use waterline to feed chickens. the height of waterline should be adjusted regularly. if the adjustment is not timely, the drinking water quantity of chickens will be insufficient, which will affect the growth performance of chickens. so what effect does the height of waterline in the chicken coop have on the growth of broilers?


For chicks in broiler cages, the waterline should be placed at the lowest position, with nipples 8 ~ 10 cm away from the padding, and there is a waterline for receiving water cups, which are closely attached to the padding, and the nipples are generally flush with the chicks' eyes. If the waterline is too high, the chicks will have reduced intake and daily gain due to their short stature, lack of water or insufficient drinking water.




After 3 days of age, the chicks in the chicken house begin to adjust the height of the waterline. According to the age and growth status of the chicks, the height of the waterline should be adjusted in time, once every two days. It is appropriate for the chickens to stand and naturally stretch their necks to drink water. At this time, it is necessary to avoid the low water level, which will reduce the amount of drinking water for chickens. The correct way for chickens to drink water is to stand up and stretch their necks naturally. Because the water line is too low, chickens should lower their heads to drink water.


In the process of lifting the head of a chicken from the lower part to the higher part, some of the water in the mouth will flow out, resulting in insufficient drinking water. In the early stage, the daily gain of broilers would decrease, the intake of feed would decrease, and the broilers would be depressed. If the water shortage is too long, the chicken will lose 10% of its water, which will lead to metabolic disorder. If the water loss reaches 20%, the chicken's life will be threatened and it will be on the verge of death.


The waterline of the chicken house will affect the health of the chicken and cause serious damage to the production performance of the chicken, mainly manifested in that it affects the appetite of the chicken and is unwilling to eat feed; Severe water loss in chickens leads to a decline in immunity and disease resistance, which is easy to cause diseases.To clean up the Chicken Breeding Equipment in a timely .


28 Oct

Construction of a chicken house using a chicken coop

With the development of the modern chicken breeding industry, a number of mechanized and semi-mechanized chicken farms have been built in various parts of Nigeria. The scale of professional households in urban and rural chicken farming has also gradually developed from small to large. To raise chickens, you must first have a chicken house. The chicken house was built to avoid wind, rain and sun, to create a good living environment for the chickens, to maintain a good physical condition throughout the year, and to achieve the desired level of laying. For the professional breeders, the first is to use their existing free houses as a chicken house, and the second is to use the idle land to build a new house, whether it is to use the old house or to build a new house. All must have the following conditions.

1. Conducive to ventilation and ventilation: Due to the high density of chickens, it is necessary to promptly discharge the dirty and harmful gas in the house, including the discharge of hot air and moisture in summer to ensure healthy living and normal production.

Professional farmers raise chickens. Generally, they can only use the natural wind and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the house to form a burning airflow for ventilation. Therefore, it is best to have the house facing north and have front and rear windows and skylights (or wind phase). Windows and hoods should be able to be opened and closed to allow for airflow adjustments based on books from different seasons.

2. Conducive to the control of light: all growth and development stages of the chicken require a certain amount of illumination time and a certain light intensity. Especially for laying hens, the importance of light is more prominent, because egg formation and light are closely related. For natural light, using it can reduce the cost of raising chickens and is an aspect of utilization. However, the natural illumination time does not necessarily coincide with the needs of chicken growth and development. Therefore, in addition to the requirements for lighting conditions, the chicken house should also take into account the equipment that can control the natural light entering the house when the chicken needs a shorter light time. When the chicken needs a long light time, it can have equipment to supplement the light.

3. Good thermal insulation performance: The chicken house generally maintains a suitable temperature in the spring and autumn, and it is necessary to take measures against cold and heat during the temperature change season. Because the temperature of the temperature has a direct impact on the performance of the chicken. If the weather is too cold, you can warm the stove so that the house is not lower than 8C. When the weather is hot, you should open the windows on both sides to facilitate ventilation. You can also plant some grapes on the south side of the chicken house or take the beans to cover the shade. However, keep a distance of 2 meters to 3 meters with the house, and do not be too dense, so as not to affect the ventilation inside the house. This not only beautifies the environment, but also prevents radiant heat.

4. To be effective in epidemic prevention and disinfection: the establishment of a disease-free chicken farm is a reliable guarantee for the development of the chicken industry. In particular, raising large-scale chicken farms should pay more attention to this problem. Both the chicken farm and the entrance and exit of the chicken house should be equipped with a disinfection tank, and keep the pool containing effective disinfecting drugs so that the vehicles can be disinfected. The disinfection tank can hold 1% of the comel solution or 2% of the caustic soda. Spray disinfection can be used with 1% of neostigmine or 3% of clindaline. Small chicken farms require at least a disinfection tank. It is best to use concrete floors to treat feces and quarantine.

5. Conducive to the use of space: especially the new chicken house, before starting construction, according to the size of the poultry farming chicken cage and chicken rack used, calculate the size of the chicken house to make more reasonable use of the chicken house space.

In short, the construction of the chicken house should be based on actual needs, choose the style. It should not only meet the physiological characteristics of chickens, but also enable chickens to grow rapidly and improve productivity. It can also meet the principles of durability, easy management, easy cleaning and disinfection, and improved work efficiency. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the design of the chicken house reasonably according to local conditions and reduce the construction cost of the chicken house building. In the areas where conditions permit, the use of advanced chicken houses suitable for the production of mechanized poultry farming equipment should be used as much as possible to promote the smooth development of the chicken raising business.

23 Oct

Chickens in chicken cages should be disinfected regularly

When farmers use poultry farming equipment to raise broilers, they will choose to use broiler battery cages equipment for breeding. Because of its high density, it can increase the area utilization rate and increase the number of cultures. However, in the case of high density, if you do not pay attention, it is easy to cause the disease to spread and spread. Therefore, in order to prevent diseases, the cleaning and disinfection of the house is very important, and it must be cleaned regularly. So how should this work be carried out? The author will tell you about it.

1. Remove the material line and waterline equipment to the operating room.

2. Disinfect the drinking water line with a disinfectant glacial acetic acid. Disinfectant should be kept at least 12H in the pipeline and then rinsed with water.

3. Thoroughly clean the chicken manure, chicken feathers, garbage around the chicken cage, and do a good job in environmental sanitation. There are no debris around the house, and the items outside the house are neatly arranged.

4. Remove the ceiling and clean the scaffolding, roof beams and all utensils of dust and dirt.

5. Remove the chicken manure from the bed and the ground, and thoroughly clean the entire house. There is no chicken manure, chicken feathers and dust in the house to avoid clogging the sewer pipe during flushing.

6. Clean the sewer pipes, drains, and sewage pools to ensure smooth drainage.

7. Before cleaning and disinfecting, the total power supply in the house must be cut off. The flushing machine and the lighting power supply should be connected externally. A leakage protection switch must be connected to avoid electric shock.

8. The surface of all utensils prior to rinsing is first sprayed with a low pressure spray gun with a detergent and maintained in a wet or foamed state for more than 20 minutes. At this time, if a high-pressure spray gun is used, it will produce droplets containing microorganisms, polluting the environment and people.

9. Then use a high pressure spray gun to rinse the contents of the house from front to back. This is a prerequisite for effective disinfection.

10. When rinsing, plates, walls, etc., which are difficult to clean, should be brushed with a wire brush. Clean the dirt in the shrinkage seam.

11. After the chicken house is rinsed out, vacate 4-5 vacant lots, and rinse the material line, the material box and the drinker.

The disinfection of the chicken battery cage system, according to the steps described above, can be carried out very thoroughly. I hope that the author's introduction can help you clean up.

22 Oct

Winter chicken insulation and ventilation precautions

When we use chickens to raise chickens, we should pay attention to the changes in temperature and the effects of different seasons on the chickens, especially when the chickens are kept in chicken battery cages . It is necessary to pay attention to the weather changes in time to prevent chickens from being caused by the weather. Ill, causing trouble for the farmers.

Due to the cold temperature in winter, pay attention to the insulation of the chicken house, but at the same time pay attention to the ventilation of the chicken house, large-scale farming, the number of chickens is relatively large, if you do not change the gas in time, it will cause too much ammonia in the chicken house. Bring trouble to the chicken. Insulation and ventilation to establish a closed chicken house, without leaving air leaks and thief outlets, pay attention to keep ventilation and vents, facilitate the discharge of carbon dioxide, ammonia and other gases and oxygen, but also do a good job, stove, heat preservation Preparation and installation of heating equipment such as lamps and insulation beds.




Maintaining proper and moderate illumination in the house not only promotes the activity of the chicks, but also facilitates feeding, drinking and heating, and promotes the precocious puberty and growth of the chicken. If the lighting time is too short, it will delay the maturity, so it is necessary to strictly control the lighting time. The light intensity is generally 15 watts - 25 watts, the light is 2 meters above the ground and the light is 3 meters.

Feeding density with reasonable stocking density is an important condition to ensure the health and growth of the flock, because the density is directly related to the air, humidity and sanitation in the brooding house. When the density of chicks is high, the air in the brooding house is dirty and the ammonia smell is high; the humidity is high,the sanitation environment is poor, the food is crowded; the water grabs the material, the hunger and the hunger are uneven, the number of the chicks increases, the chicks are kept at a low density, and the chicks grow and develop. It is beneficial, but it is not conducive to the full utilization of equipment and the rational use of labor. The cost of raising each chicken is correspondingly increased, and the cost is high and uneconomical.


Therefore, the density of chicks is not as small as possible in Chicken Battery Farm Equipment For Sale. The general situation is 30 per square meter for the first week, 25 for the second week, 20 for the third week, 15 for the fourth week, and about 10 for five or six weeks.

21 Oct

Key points of management before the opening of hens in the cage

When using the layer battery cages to raise the layer, the farmers can improve the laying performance of the layer by managing the pre-production layer. However, during this period of time, the physiological changes of laying hens are more serious, sensitive, weak in adaptation and poor in disease resistance. If farmers do not manage properly, it will affect the health of laying hens and egg production. Poultry farming equipment suppliers advise farmers to pay attention to the following management points before layer opening.

1. Immunization: Farmers should be vaccinated before laying hens, and immunization is essential to prevent the occurrence of disease during the laying period. The source of the vaccination should be reliable, well preserved, the vaccination operation is correct, and the dose is accurate. After inoculation, check the inoculation effect, and if necessary, carry out antibody testing to ensure the immunization effect, so that the flock has sufficient antibody levels to prevent the disease.

2. Deworming: Before the laying hens start, the farmers should do a good job of deworming. 110-130 days old chicken, 20-40 mg per liter of body weight with levamisole, or 200-300 mg of sputum, mixed with the mixture once a day for 2 days to remove the mites. Each kilogram of body weight is treated with thiodichlorophenol 100-200 mg, and the mixture is fed once a day for 2 days to drive the mites. When the coccidia oocysts are seriously polluted, the anticoccidial drugs should be used for 5-6 days after being basketed.

3. Illumination: The light has a great influence on the reproductive function of the chicken. Appropriate illumination in advance, so that the laying time of the laying hen is properly advanced, which is conducive to reducing the cost of feeding. Flocks that meet the requirements or are slightly larger than the standard weight can increase the number of hours of light to 13 hours at 16-17 weeks of age, and then increase by 20 minutes per week until the number of hours of light reaches 16 hours. Light stimulation should be initiated at 18-20 weeks of age. The number of hours of illumination should increase gradually. If the sudden increase of illumination time is too long, it may cause prolapse. The light intensity should be appropriate. It should not be too strong or too weak. It is too strong to produce sputum. If it is too weak, it will not stimulate.

4. Rearing: Feeding before the start of production not only affects the increase in egg production rate and the peak duration of egg production, but also affects the rate of death.

1) Replace the feed at the right time. The deposition of calcium in bones is the strongest 2 weeks before the start of production. In order to increase the yield of hens, reduce the breakage rate of eggs, and reduce the occurrence of fatigue in laying hens, the content of calcium in the diet should be 0.9% from the age of 17 weeks. Increase to 2.5%; when the egg production rate reaches 20%-30%, replace the laying hen diet with 3.5% calcium.

2) To ensure feed intake. Free feeding should be resumed before the birth, so that the chickens are full, ensuring balanced nutrition and promoting the increase in egg production rate.

3) To ensure drinking water. At the time of production, the metabolism of the chicken is strong, and the amount of water required is large, so it is necessary to ensure sufficient drinking water. Insufficient drinking water will affect the increase in egg production rate, and there will be more rectal prolapse.

The above four points are the author's statement. The management points of the laying hens before they are opened are expected to attract the attention of the farmers so as to increase the laying rate of the laying hens.

18 Oct

Chicken manure treatment in chicken farms

When the number of chickens raised is large, large-scale chicken poultry farming equipment should be used. There is a lot of chicken manure in chicken farms. The cleaning of manure in chicken houses is an important task. Chicken manure has many harmful germs. Microorganisms, if not cleaned up properly or improperly cleaned, can cause pollution to the house, causing the flock to become sick. Therefore, cleaning equipment is very important, and it is necessary to ventilate in time.



There are two types of common house cleaning equipment: scraper-type faeces, and the other is track-cleaning. What is the difference between the two types of septic equipment?




Scraper-type faeces:

The slower scraping of the manure will cause an instantaneous change in the environment inside the house. The normal scraper walks 2m~3m per minute. If the following conditions are encountered, the scraping time will be longer: the chicken house is too long; the nylon rope is too thin; the nylon rope is too loose; the nylon rope is wet; the reducer wheel groove wears wide; The board is too light; the manure is not straight and uneven. The above reasons will lead to a multiplication of the decontamination time, and a large change in the temperature and humidity in the room. The stool is thicker or the feathers in the young chicken manure are more difficult to scrape, the feces remain in the fermentation, and the harmful gases exceed the standard when scraping the feces. There is a large gap between the ladder cages.

Track cleaning:

The crawler decontamination method is mostly used in high-density stacked cages, and is also suitable for chicken manure treatment in the step-type mechanized cage raising of chickens. The cleanness of the whole cleaning system is high, which can greatly reduce the concentration of harmful gases in the house, reduce the ventilation in the house, reduce the energy consumption and prolong the service life of the fan; thus the temperature of the house is also improved. It reduces the energy consumption of chickens and improves the performance of chickens; chicken manure is relatively dry, easy to handle and deep processing.



Farmers can choose different dehumidification equipment according to their battery cage for chickens, as long as they can clean the chicken manure from the chicken coop, and promptly ventilate and give the chicken house a good living environment. Can bring better farming benefits.

17 Oct

How to choose the appropriate layer cage specifications and materials?

Each device has a different specification for each device. Equipment such as egg cages, because of the variety of sizes, there are many types of egg cage specifications. How can farmers choose the right size? This depends on the area of the farmer's own chicken house. The farmers can consult the technicians of the poultry equipment manufacturer. The technicians will recommend you, and the quality poultry farming equipment manufacturers can also customize the equipment.

Layer chicken cages are the basic equipment for laying hens, so it is very important to choose the proper size and material of the layer battery cage. So how to choose the egg cage? The author will introduce:

1. Usually layer rearing equipment are divided into two types: battery and stepped. Different types have four different sizes. Calculate the appropriate egg cage specifications according to the area of your house.

2. When purchasing the layer chicken cage, the farmer should pay attention to the design of the angle of the egg at the bottom of the cage. The angle of the egg should be accurate. If the angle is not suitable, the egg will not come out. Or the angle is too big and the eggs are struck by each other. The general suitable angle is around 7-8 degrees. The farmers should pay special attention when purchasing.

3. When purchasing the layer cage, pay attention to the connection between the egg cage and the bottom cage of the layer cage. The point of the connection should be fine, and there should not be too much clearance. If the gap is too large, it may cause the egg to fall, which will affect the efficiency of the chicken farm.

4. The most important point is the choice of layer chicken cage material. When observing, the farmer should pay attention to check whether the wire of the egg cage is tough. The egg cage with better toughness will not scratch or damage the laying hen.

The above five points are introduced by the author, and some points for the farmers to choose the size and material of the egg cage. I hope that I can help the farmers, if there is any doubt about the egg cage, the farmers consult the professionals of the poultry equipment manufacturers.

14 Oct

Management techniques for chickens in chicken cages

Users of broiler chickens know that broilers grow very fast. In particular, the use of chicken cages to raise broiler chickens is much faster than in the past. It takes about 50 days to go out. The weight in a week of breeding is 3 to 4 times that of the newborn. Therefore, how to correctly do the brooding work of caged broilers a few days ago, so that the chicks have a good start, is of great significance to the production of broilers. The following authors will introduce several technical points for the management of early broilers using chicken battery cages.

First, to ensure comfortable environmental conditions: when broiler hatching, the chicks live in a relatively high temperature environment, so farmers should pay attention to prevent the chicks from dehydration, in the first week should carefully adjust the humidity of the house. Chicks can regulate their body temperature at about 1 week of age. Therefore, before the chicks arrive, the house should be pre-warmed and maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity.

In the first seven days of broiler breeding, the farmer should always check the temperature and relative humidity in the house, at least three times a day, and at least once a day after seven days. In order to more accurately detect the environment in which the chicks are located, the temperature probe should be as close as possible to the chicks, in addition to using a conventional thermometer to calibrate the electronic probe of the automatic control system.

At the same time, farmers should pay attention to the importance of air quality in the first week of chicks. By properly ventilating the air, the temperature and humidity are kept at an appropriate level, and harmful gases are discharged. A minimum ventilation program that provides fresh air and removes harmful gases should be developed from the outset. In addition, the use of circulating fans in the house also contributes to improved air quality.

Second, a reasonable layout: broilers grow very fast, so farmers should pay attention to seize all the growth opportunities, so that chicks to establish a healthy appetite with good feeding and drinking behavior as soon as possible. Therefore, farmers should try to make 1 day old chicks free to come into contact with feed and water. In order to reduce the stress on the chicks and ensure good early growth, the chicken house layout should be done before entering the chickens, and the drinking water and feeding equipment should be placed in a reasonable position in the chicken cage.

Third, disease prevention and control. Broilers are born and have relatively poor resistance, so farmers must not only manage feeding and environmental control. The prevention and treatment of diseases is also very important. The early farmers mainly control Salmonella and E. coli. The mortality rate is generally between 2% and 3%, accounting for about 30% of the total number of deaths in the whole period. In addition, farmers should enter from a normal, well-conditioned hatchery. If the disease is found to be timely, the drug should be appropriate. At the same time, should add some nutritional additives, such as glucose, electrolytes, multivitamins, etc., in order to improve the disease resistance of the chicks, generally 3-5 days can greatly reduce the mortality.

The above three points are the management technical points when using poultry farming equipment to raise chickens. I hope that the above description can help the farmers. If there are other questions or if you want to consult the equipment, the farmer can consult the technicians of the experienced poultry equipment suppliers.

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