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18 Jul

About the precautions for laying hens


1, Light stimulation should not be used until the flock has reached the appropriate weight. If the chickens that are lighter than the body weight standard are stimulated by light, the eggs will be produced less than normal, and the peak eggs will be reduced or the eggs will be dropped during the peak period.

2,The lighting system from brooding to laying hens should be carefully implemented, and the lighting time cannot be changed at will.

3, the combination of lighting system and feeding system, the effect is better, such as reducing the light during the brooding period and limiting feeding to control weight and sexual maturity; increase the light and improve the nutritional level in the initial stage of egg production to increase the egg production.


4, increase the light can not exceed 1 hour at a time, otherwise it is prone to rectal prolapse.

5,The control of the illumination time adopts the self-control lamp device-timer, and can also manually switch the lamp; the control of the light intensity generally adopts a voltage regulating transformer, and can also be controlled simply by replacing the wattage of the lamp.

6,When the open house is required to be supplemented with artificial light, it is advisable to add half of the time for manual supplementation to the morning and evening.

7, The height of the bulb is more than 2 meters above the ground to prevent people from touching it; it is generally required to have a reflector.

8,Start to increase the light time according to the average weight of the flock and the standard weight comparison results when the variety is opened in poultry equipment manufacturer in china

17 Jul

How to properly maintain the chicken cage?

Modern poultry farm equipment - Chicken cages are specialized feeding methods for farmed egg broilers. The use of chicken cages for breeding can make it easier and more efficient for farmers to raise and manage. However, farmers should pay attention to, in order not to affect the realization of the economic benefits of the chicken farm, so that the chicken cages play a role in the chicken farm for a long time, the farmers need to do the maintenance work of the chicken cage.

1. Clean up the chicken cage: Before starting the breeding, or after the chickens are out, the farmers should clean the chicken cage. Thoroughly remove dirt such as chicken manure, feathers, coal ash, etc., clean the roof, walls, doors and windows, etc., so that there is no dust inside.

2. Cleaning the chicken cage: After cleaning the chicken cage, the farmer should clean the chicken cage in time and the tools in the chicken cage. After soaking the tool with disinfectant, rinse it with clean water and dry it; there should be no water on the ground of the chicken cage, and any surface inside the chicken cage should be flushed in place, no dead angle, no dirt attached. Pay special attention to the roof of the chicken cage, which should be cleaned from top to bottom. After the tool and the ground are dry, it can be disinfected. It can be used with Oufu or Ante 2000 disinfectant.

3. Overhaul work: After the above work is completed, the farmer will start to overhaul the chicken cage, check the chicken cage for damage, repair the net bed, repair circuit and heating tools. The tool can at least guarantee to raise a batch of chickens, otherwise it should be replaced, and the damaged bulbs should be completely replaced. It is best to use energy-saving bulbs.

4. Disinfection of the cage: Move the tools and utensils into the cage, close the doors and windows and the ventilation holes. It is required to be closed and tight without leakage, spray disinfection, ventilation after 10 hours of disinfection, and after 3-4 hours of ventilation, close the doors and windows. All the ceiling walls and net beds of chicken cages should be disinfected with high-efficiency and non-corrosive disinfectant, and prepared according to the proportion of the instructions. Ground disinfection should be sprayed with 3% hot alkali water or lime.

5. Fumigation and disinfection: Fumigation and disinfection is a relatively thorough method of disinfection. Farmers should pay attention to closing doors and windows and vents when fumigation, check whether the temperature and humidity meet the requirements, and seal the door immediately after completion. During the empty house disinfection, no one or animal enters the chicken cage. After fumigation, the doors, windows and vents are opened 24-36 hours, and the air is fully ventilated.

Through the above knowledge of chicken cage maintenance introduced by farmers, we should have a preliminary understanding of the correct maintenance methods of chicken cages. This is also the method of disinfection of chicken cages. You can refer to the knowledge in the article to do the maintenance and disinfection of chicken battery cages for chickens, so as to ensure their normal use in the farm. In addition, when purchasing chicken cages, the quality and structure of the chicken cage will also affect the future use of the farmers.














16 Jul

Ways to raise chickens to make money

First think about what kind of chicken you want to raise, and then choose a good address to build the chicken house. The height of the ground in the broiler chicken house should be higher than the inside of the outer ground 35. The ground and the litter are damp, resulting in frequent disease of the flock. Occurrence, the east and west walls of the chicken house should be equipped with windows to facilitate the summer ventilation and cooling; the automatic drinking fountains and troughs in the chicken house should be installed as much as possible (reduced manual feeding).


Remember to buy healthy chicks so that they can be raised easily. After the selected chicks, they will be raised in groups according to their strength and weakness. The size of each group is 300-500, and generally should not exceed 1000. If the group is too large, it is easy to step on each other. Conditional units, after the chicks are out of the shell, are identified by male and female, and then raised by mother. It can also feed the required diet according to the different conditions of each flock, and also facilitate the differential treatment in the management work, thus laying a good foundation for cultivating healthy and well-growth chickens. Although the newborn chicks are selected and grouped, there will be individuals with different strengths and sizes in the future. Therefore, during brooding and breeding, attention should also be paid to identification and group work, and the weak individuals should be selected and grouped at any time.




Chicken feeding management: disease management, emergencies. Proper feeding determines whether your flock can grow healthily in Poultry Equipment for Sale

Sales: In the case of aquaculture, sales is a big problem. Unmanned recycling has become a big problem. For the farmers, the market for broilers is still quite large. In the sales process, we are promoting fast. You can't wait for the market to improve, or you will gradually fall into it.

15 Jul

Broiler season management technology in chicken house

1, Reduce stress response. Excessive sound, transfer, vaccination, sudden changes in weather, and broken mites are a bad stimulus for chickens, often causing disease. Avoid unnecessary disturbances during feeding. Anti-stress drugs can be administered for prevention before transfer, vaccination, and sputum sputum; cold stress caused by temperature drop is dealt with well.

2, temperature is one of the main factors in the brooding stage, the appropriate temperature can give the maximum benefit of the feed. Too low a temperature can cause respiratory illness and death in chickens. The first week of autumn and winter brooding is generally controlled at 35 ° C ~ 36 ° C, and then decreased by 2 ° C ~ 3 ° C per week, the second is according to the chicken reaction, when the temperature is too low, the chicken screams piled up, when the temperature is too high, the chicken is Dispersed and wheezing, the temperature is suitable for the chickens to be evenly distributed. It is also possible to use a combination of a thermometer and a sense to determine if the temperature is suitable for poultry farming equipment


3, The density is too large, causing the growth of the chicken to be unbalanced. The harmful gases in the air increase, especially in the autumn, the humidity is high, and the chicken is easy to infect E. coli, coccidia, staphylococcus, etc., and the disease epidemic can be accelerated. Therefore, broilers are generally controlled at around 10 per square meter.

4, the chicken house air is fresh, can avoid the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Harmful gases or dust in the air can affect the health of the chicken and even cause death. Therefore, ventilation should be carried out without lowering the normal room temperature, reducing the content of harmful gases and dust in the Chicken Battery Farm Equipment For Sale


15 Jul

Safety precautions for operating poultry farming equipment

In the process of raising chickens, the use of poultry farming equipment to assist in the cultivation of chickens is a breeding method that many farmers now choose. There are many types of poultry breeding equipment. Different equipments can bring different help to the farmers, which makes the chickens highly efficient and can reduce the labor intensity of the farmers. However, in order to use the equipment and the age of the equipment, the farmers must pay attention to the correct operation of the equipment when using the equipment.

1. When using any kind of poultry farm equipment, the farmers need to pay attention to the operation of the equipment. It is strictly forbidden to observe the operation and operation status of the equipment, and it is forbidden to open the relevant inspection port for maintenance. If it is really necessary to observe the operation of the relevant components during the operation, the farmers must also have professional personnel to operate according to the regulations and equipped with the necessary personal protective measures.

2. When the farmer inspects, repairs and maintains any equipment, the farmer or staff must ensure that the main power switch is disconnected. And block the main power switch, otherwise it may cause serious injury.

3. If the equipment needs to pay attention to the installation, maintenance or maintenance of the electrical equipment, the professional electrician must operate according to the regulations, otherwise it may cause serious injury accidents.

4. The protective parts of any chicken equipment are an important part of the equipment and should not be removed at will. If damage occurs, it should be repaired or replaced in time.

5. When using the feeding equipment, there are two travel switches installed on the nose and the tail, so the farmer needs to pay attention to the stop of the rail wheel when any of the travel switches are stopped. Regularly check whether the travel switch is sensitive. If it fails, it should be replaced in time. Otherwise, it will easily pull the material truck and even lead to more serious consequences.

6. In the lower part of the layer chicken cage of the layer cage, an electric shock line is set up to prevent the chicken from going to the quail egg. The farmer needs to be careful not to touch it with his hands to avoid being injured.

7. The power supply line of the power supply part needs to have a special protective cover, and the wiring part must have a special terminal block to prevent electric leakage and cause accidents.

8. Anyone who uses or repairs any chicken equipment must have a familiar knowledge of the equipment and professional equipment skills, and must strictly follow the relevant operating procedures.

9. The equipment produced by the general poultry equipment supplier has relevant safety operation warnings. Please pay attention to and carefully read these tips when using or maintaining.

The above nine points are some safety issues that farmers need to pay attention to in the process of operating chicken equipment. They are only for reference by farmers. It is hoped that farmers can operate poultry farming equipment correctly and safely so that the equipment can exert good results. To improve efficiency and efficiency for farmers in the long run.

11 Jul

Prevent broiler hypoxia in winter

The weather in winter is relatively cold. In order to keep most of the windows, there are few windows to open, but care should be taken to prevent unnecessary loss of oxygen in the chicken house. So what should be done to prevent broiler hypoxia in winter?


1. Strengthen the ventilation inside the house, the air in the chicken house should be fresh, and the chicken grows well. Because chickens need more oxygen, only the ventilation in the house can strengthen the chickens to have enough fresh air. Generally, it is ventilated once every 2 to 3 hours, 20 to 30 minutes each time. Increase the temperature before ventilation, and pay attention to avoid blowing the wind directly to the chicken body to prevent the chicken from getting sick.

2, broilers are generally raised in large groups, high density, a large number, easy to make oxygen in the air, carbon dioxide increased. Especially when high temperature brooding and chickens have high humidity, long-term lack of fresh air often causes chicks to be weak and sick, and the rate of dead chickens increases. In chicken houses with high stocking density, the chances of air diseases increase, especially when the ammonia content is high, respiratory diseases are often induced. Therefore, to control the stocking density, 9 chickens weighing about 1.5 kg per square meter can be doubled if they are kept on the net.

3, pay attention to the insulation method, some farms only emphasize heat preservation, but neglect the ventilation, resulting in severe hypoxia in the chicken house poultry equipment manufacturer.

4, to prevent stress, chickens are scared, any new sounds, colors, unfamiliar movements and the sudden appearance of items, will cause the chicken to be uneasy, screaming, so that the group, the group, etc., these stress will consume The large physical capacity of chickens increases the oxygen consumption of chickens and is more harmful to the growth and weight gain of chickens. Therefore, the flock must be kept quiet and stable to alleviate the damage caused by various stresses.

11 Jul

How to carry out poultry farming projects in Ghana?

With the changes of the times, the intensive chicken raising equipment has become a popular chicken. The traditional chicken houses in the past no longer meet the requirements of modern chicken raising. Therefore, if farmers want to carry out poultry farming projects in Ghana and achieve intensive large-scale chicken raising, they must first plan and rationalize the chicken houses. So how do farmers design and plan chicken farming equipment to raise chicken houses?

1. Sitting direction of the chicken house: Farmers should pay attention to the direction of sunshine and ventilation when designing the chicken house to sit. Closed houses can choose to sit south or southwest to the southeast, with the main windows of the house as far as south or substantially south.

2. Length of the house: The length of the house refers to the length of each house. The length of the house depends on the design capacity and should be determined according to the specific area and span of each house. Large mechanized production of chicken houses is generally 66m, 90m, 120m; small and medium-sized ordinary chicken houses are 36m, 48m, 54m. The length of the house can be determined by the formula: the length of the house, the area of the house, and the span of the house.

3. The span of the house: The span of the house is the width of the house. The choice of the span of the house should be determined according to the size of the equipment to be placed. The cage house should determine the span of the house according to the number of installation columns and the width of the walkway.

4. Height of the chicken house: Nowadays, chickens are kept in cages by raising chicken equipment. The height of the multi-caged cages is related to the cage height and span and climatic conditions, generally 2.5-3m. In dry and hot areas, the height of the house may be suitably higher to facilitate ventilation, and the cold areas may be suitably shorter to facilitate insulation.

5. Ground of the chicken house: The ground in the house of the chicken house is generally 30cm above the ground outside the house, and the area with high humidity or groundwater level should be more than 50cm. The ground of the chicken house requires a firm surface and no gaps. It is mostly flattened with concrete. Although it is expensive, it is easy to clean and disinfect, and it can prevent moisture and keep the house dry. The ground of the cage house should have a shallow ditch, 15-20cm deeper than the ground.

6. The window of the chicken house: Generally, the closed chicken house is provided with a skylight on the upper part of the chicken house, or a floor window is arranged at the lower part of the side wall to adjust the air flow or assist the ventilation. When using mechanical negative pressure ventilation, the fan port is a concentrated exhaust port, and the window is the air inlet, and its area and position should be consistent with the fan power. It is necessary to avoid the formation of the wind and the uniformity of the airflow to prevent turbulence or windless detention areas.

7. Roof of the house: The roofing material requires good thermal insulation to facilitate insulation and insulation. In areas with high temperatures and heavy rainfall, the slope of the roof is larger and the sides of the roof are longer. Roofs in cold areas can be roofed with a layer of rice husks or hay to increase thermal insulation.

These are some of the key points in the poultry farming project in Ghana. The design and planning of the house must be based on the individual needs of the chicken, as well as the needs of the chicken house and the needs of the chicken farm. If the farmers are unable to solve the problem themselves, they can consult the professionals of the poultry equipment supplier who will provide you with a complete poultry house design.

08 Jul

How to choose chicken cage and chicken farming equipment?

1. When selecting poultry farming equipment, first consider the rigid conditions of its own environment and geography, and then choose the equipment suitable for its own cage material. This includes the need for functionality and the addition or reduction of farming equipment based on the different stages of farming.

2. The chicken cage in the breeding equipment is one of the indispensable and important equipments. Choosing a good chicken cage will have a comfortable environment for the chickens to be reared, which will help the chickens to improve their laying and meat quality.

3. At present, most of the cages we use are made of metal. Since it is metal, it must have rust. If it is improperly maintained, it will be more corrosive. The chicken is cultured inside, so the chicken is in contact with the cage at any time. If the skin of the chicken touches the rusty part, it is not necessarily a good thing.

4. Develop disinfection procedures: If chicken cages are used for a long time, there will be various pathogenic microorganisms. If the pathogenic microorganisms are not killed in time, the health of the chickens will be seriously jeopardized. Disinfection is an effective means of killing pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, in the process of daily feeding and management, farmers should pay attention to customizing the reasonable disinfection method and degree. It is necessary to periodically disinfect the chicken house so that the house can ensure a safe and healthy environment at any time and reduce the disease of the chickens.

5. The common material of egg cage is hot-dip galvanized net, which is not easy to rust. There are many manufacturers of egg cages, but only a few manufacturers can make it smooth and bright, and most of the production technology is not. The surface is rough and thorny. It is difficult for the chicken to grow healthily and the safety rate of the egg is greatly reduced. The real market needs an egg cage that can be adjusted automatically.

6. Poultry farming equipment has greatly improved economic efficiency. The primary basis for the regulation of the lighting program and the restriction feeding program is the chicken's growth rules and morbidity. Such a cage can formulate corresponding formula feeds and feeding methods according to different conditions, different conditions and different growth and development stages of the chicken.

In this way, the feed nutrients of the chickens can be completed to meet the growth requirements of the chickens, and the conversion rate of the feed can be improved. In addition, we must pay attention to strengthening the management of feeding, paying attention to the prevention and prevention of chicken diseases, preventing the environment in the cage from being polluted, reducing the incidence of root disease and reducing the use of medicines to raise chickens. All aspects are more convenient. The advantages of fully automated cage equipment have been completed. The scientific regulation of feeding and raising chicken farming equipment is to complete the environmental ventilation of the chicken house.






08 Jul

Chickens Dead from Heat in Summer


It is not easy to raise chickens under high temperature conditions in summer, because once the heatstroke is not good, the death of the flock will occur. Usually, if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the probability of the chicken being killed by heat is greatly increased .


In summer, the temperature of the chicken is too high, and in this case, the chicken is prone to heat stress. The degree of heat stress is also different. Lightly affects feed intake, reduces immunity, and quickly kills.

In the summer, the chicken house will be powered off, and a batch of dead chickens will appear in a short time. The chickens caused by this situation are killed in large numbers for the following reasons.


First, under high temperature conditions, the heart rate of the chicken rises rapidly, the blood flow speed increases, and a large amount of blood in the chicken body is concentrated in the muscles and the upper respiratory tract, while the liver and kidneys and other internal organs that require blood have insufficient blood flow, and in severe cases, the chicken liver Kidney failure, then it will die.

Second, the high temperature in the chicken house will cause the chicken's respiratory rate to rise explosively, from about 20 minutes in a normal minute to about 100 times a minute. The respiratory rate is too high, the body's carbon dioxide is discharged in large amounts, the concentration of H+ and HCO3- in the blood is drastically reduced, and the pH value is rapidly increased, thereby causing respiratory alkalosis and causing death.

Third, the temperature of the house is too high, which may cause respiratory alkalosis. If the temperature is too long, the chicken's respiratory system and abdominal muscles are overwhelmed, the respiratory rate will drop rapidly, a large amount of carbon dioxide will accumulate in the body, and H+ in the blood. The concentration of HCO3- is too high, and the pH changes from alkali to acid, causing respiratory acidosis. This will further trigger the death of the flock in poultry cage manufacturer in china.

04 Jul

Method for reducing waste of chicken feed

When farmers raise chickens, the purchase of chicken feed is also a small economic investment. Today, poultry farming equipment manufacturers start from the fundamental interests of farmers, and introduce farmers to several ways to reduce feed waste, thus saving farmers a portion of the economic cost of feed.

1. Feed full-price compound feed. Many farmers often use a single feed to feed chickens. Because of their single nutrition, they often eat more food, produce less, have smaller eggs, and have lower feed returns. Therefore, full-price compound feed should be used in production.

2. Raising high-yielding laying hens. At present, there are still many farmers in the rural areas to raise soil breeders. Although these chickens have strong disease resistance, they often eat more food and produce less eggs, which inevitably causes waste of feed.

3. Turn free range into chicken layer battery cage farming. The range of free-range chickens is large, the chicken body consumes a lot of material, and the feed is wasted. When it is changed to cage, it can reduce a lot of unnecessary feed waste.

4. The inside of the trough should be edged. The side of the trough can prevent the chicken from feeding out during the feeding process, which can effectively reduce feed waste.

5. Reduce materials in time. When the laying hens have peaked in egg production, they should be reduced in time. The method is: according to the chicken day, reduce the amount of 2.5 grams, observe 3-4 days, to see if the drop in egg production rate is normal. If it is normal, it can be reduced by 1-2 grams per day. If there is still no abnormality, it can be dropped by another three grams. This will not affect the production of eggs, but also prevent the body from being over-fertilized, which can ensure the supply of nutrients and reduce the waste of feed.

6. Eliminate low-yield chickens in time. Timely elimination of low-yield chickens can effectively save feed. In production, the first is to timely eliminate low-yield chickens that have not been opened or have been produced for 30-35 weeks of age, but have a short egg production period. Second, they must eliminate chickens that are often closed, overweight or overweight. Small and thin chickens, chickens with severe cockroaches; Third, chickens with poor growth, disability, weak chickens, strong nesting and early maturity during the whole group.

The above is a way to save money for farmers during the use of equipment in large poultry farms. I hope I can help you.








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