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25 Sep

How long is the life of the layer chicken cage?

As for the age of the egg chicken cage, this question will often be asked when the farmers consult. High-quality poultry farming equipment manufacturers use advanced hot-dip galvanizing technology, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, long life, strong and beautiful. For normal repair and maintenance, it can be used for 15-20 years.

However, after some farmers buy it back, the layer chicken cage is no longer in control. Only when the equipment is broken, the chicken production management is delayed, and the maintenance is considered. This will definitely reduce the life of the equipment. Therefore, farmers should regularly maintain the equipment and find problems in a timely manner, otherwise it will bring more economic losses in the future. The author summarizes several ways and means of equipment maintenance to share with farmers.

Layer chicken battery cages are a popular form of laying hens at home and abroad. The reason is that the design of the egg cages provides a comfortable environment for the chickens to play a better role in the feeding process. The main advantage of the design of the egg cage is in the front net and the cage door. The density of the cage feeding and the angle of the egg are more evident in the interests of the chicken.

The daily maintenance of the layer chicken cage is the basic work of the maintenance of the laying equipment, and must be maintained in a timely and effective manner.

First of all, the inside and outside of the layer chicken battery cages are neat and tidy. It is necessary to ensure that there are no oil on each sliding surface, screw, rack, gear box, oil hole, etc., no oil leakage, no air leakage, debris, debris and dirt around the equipment. The objects should be cleaned; the tools, accessories, and workpieces (products) should be placed neatly, the pipes and lines should be organized; the lubrication should be well-filled or oil-changed, the oil should be constantly oiled, and there should be no dry friction. The oil pressure is normal, the oil mark is bright, and the oil path is smooth. The oil quality meets the requirements, the oil gun, oil cup and linoleum are clean; the safety operation rules are obeyed, the equipment is not overloaded, the safety protection device of the equipment is complete and reliable, and the unsafe factors are eliminated in time.


25 Sep

Fully automatic chicken equipment to raise chicken details

In order to improve the efficiency of chicken breeding and increase the economic benefits in the later period, many farmers choose to use the broiler equipment in the automatic poultry farming equipment for breeding in the process of raising broilers. In order to make full use of the advantages of the farming equipment, we need to pay attention to the details of the farming equipment.


The first is the choice of chicks. When feeding chickens in chicken coops, we have to pick some good chicks. Although cheap chicks can save costs, there will be a lot of trouble in the later breeding, poor quality chicks. It will cause a large number of deaths and lead to failed farming. Ventilation in the house and control of temperature and humidity, many farmers often forget to ventilate the house during the feeding process, especially in the cold winter, in order to keep the temperature in the house is not reduced, often For ten days and a half, the house is not ventilated, resulting in a decrease in the air quality in the house, causing illness and death in the flock. Therefore, in the process of breeding, the farmers should give the house a regular ventilation and ventilation while maintaining the temperature and humidity of the house.




Immunization of chickens is an important part of the chicken raising process, but often many farmers choose small businesses to buy vaccines and then inject them into the chickens when they are immunized. Not only will it not have a beneficial effect on the growth of the flock but will also have an adverse effect on the flock. Some farmers adopt self-injection methods when vaccinating chickens. Some farmers do not understand the injection, which leads to the failure of injection or the improper treatment of the chickens due to improper methods during the injection process, thus affecting the chickens. The group grows healthy. Therefore, farmers should not only choose the right time to vaccinate the chickens, but also go to the normal pharmaceutical factory to purchase the drugs, and take the correct injection method for injection.



The above are some small details of chickens in automatic chicken equipment poultry farming cage. I hope that I can give some help to the farmers and better raise chickens.


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