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05 Nov

The significance of automated chicken farming equipment

As we all know, there are all kinds of equipment and utensils in chicken farms. Although some seem to be very simple functions, in fact, it is certain to use them correctly and distribute them reasonably. Only the chicken farmers know their importance. What are the functions of commonly using automatic chicken farming equipment?

Most users who raise chickens at home will choose to raise chickens in poultry battery cages. It is very convenient to raise and manage them in a cage. Every chicken is fed the same way, there is no confusion, and the disease is detected very early to prevent the chickens from fighting each other and grabbing food.



The artificial chicken feeding equipment of small chicken farms includes troughs, artificial watering devices and automatic drinking water devices. Large appliances are generally fed automatically, and various feeding systems and automatic drinking systems are installed in cages, which greatly reduces labor costs.

The farm has chicken manure cleaning equipment, and you can use the tools commonly used for manual cleaning of chicken manure, such as shovel and bucket truck. Many large-scale investors choose to use machines to clean manure, install manure scraping equipment or conveyor belt type manure cleaners in cages to realize automatic manure removal and reduce labor costs.

The above is the function of chicken raising equipment and utensils. Every industry is the same. Tools used before operation require investment. For jobs like raising chickens or poultry, agriculture relies on technical knowledge. If the investment is large, the return will be stable or large. Therefore, experienced chicken farmers know the efficacy of appliances, and many people are willing to invest more.

04 Nov

Tell you simple ways to raise chickens in battery egg hen cages

Battery egg hen cages are now a breeding method and breeding project chosen by many farmers. The use of layer breeding can save costs, increase economic benefits, and improve egg production performance. So what is the better way to raise chickens?

  1. Breeders should pay attention to choosing chicken breeds with good egg laying performance when choosing chicken fry A good egg production rate requires a good foundation and a good selection of chicken fry.
  2. Strengthen the feed and light control of the chicken flock: Whether the feed nutrition of the chickens fed by the farmers meets the standard and whether the light control in the chicken house is reasonable will affect the feed-to-egg ratio of the chickens, so the breeding process of the farmers It is necessary to plan the feed nutrition and lighting program reasonably according to the various nutrients and different lighting required by the different growth stages of the laying hens.
  3. Do a good job in epidemic prevention and disease prevention and health care: If the laying hens can play a good egg production rate, the prerequisite is to ensure the health of the laying hens. Only by maintaining the health of the chicken flocks can the laying hens give better play to their production performance. The first is to adhere to a strict disinfection system and frequent disinfection, and the other is to do a good job of immunization to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.
  4. When choosing feed, farmers must choose full-price feeds with nutritional standards according to the different growth stages of the layers. If the farmers feed the layers with unbalanced feed, it will increase the amount of feed required, and even cause disease, poisoning or death. .

The above is a simple way of using battery poultry chicken cages to raise chickens, which can promote the growth of chickens more healthily.

01 Nov

What should be considered by layer cage farmers in the process of raising chickens

Nowadays, the first choice for farmers to raise chickens is to raise chickens in layer cages, because the use of layer battery cages for intensive chicken raising is not only more scientific, but also conducive to management. In addition, modern people's demand for eggs has been increasing, and many people are willing to join the breeding industry, but what needs to be considered?

  1. Farmers must be diligent and careful when raising chickens. Because in the process of raising chickens, farmers must observe the flocks. Once sick or unhealthy chickens are found, they can take immediate measures to avoid greater losses.
  2. Farmers must have a moderate scale. When choosing the number of chickens, farmers should base their chickens on the area of their chicken house and the space occupied by some chicken-raising equipment that needs to be selected. Otherwise, the density of too large or too small will affect the economy of the farmers. The level of benefit.
  3. The principle of reasonable chicken density. The use of modern layer battery cages for intensive chicken breeding has maximized the scale of breeding compared to flat breeding. A moderate density not only grows quickly and feed conversion rate is high, but also is conducive to the healthy growth of chickens.
  4. Farmers must have the idea of disinfection and immunity. The chicken farm is also a bacteria farm. If the farmers don’t pay attention to killing the bacteria, they will only broadcast it to the chickens, which will affect the health of the chickens. The effective way to kill the bacterial pathogenic microorganisms is frequent disinfection. Therefore, farmers must raise chickens on a large scale. Do a good job of disinfection to prevent the spread of pathogens to the flock from the source. In addition, immunization is an effective way to prevent diseases, so farmers must do a good job of immunization according to the epidemic and disease in the area.
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