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31 May

Correct methods to reduce the rate of broken eggs

At present, the problem of broken eggs in domestic chicken farms brings larger losses to farmers. The daily rate of broken eggs is now around 18 percent of the daily output. This is a very high number. How to avoid such a situation? Next poultry equipment manufacturers will explain to you how to avoid egg breakage.



1.Increase the number of egg collection every day. Try to use automatic chicken equipment to collect eggs. Special attention is needed during peak egg production. Don't overdo it so as not to startle the chickens. Use the egg picker to collect the eggs after the movement should also be light.

2. flat chickens to ensure that the egg box is enough. Soft cushions should be laid at the bottom of the container, and cushioning pads should be used on the inside of the egg tank to cushion the impact.

3.Insist on checking the health status of chickens to prevent the occurrence of various diseases. Because there are a lot of diseases that not only cause the drop but the egg production plummets. It also makes the eggshell thinner. Directly leading to an increase in broken eggs.

4, breeding statistics of higher eggshell quality belongs to brown shell laying hens. The rate of shell breakage of brown eggs is generally lower than that of white eggs.

5, try to use automatic chicken raising equipment for feeding operation. Eliminate miscellaneous people to enter the chicken farm. Create a quiet and comfortable environment for chickens to grow and lay eggs.

6. From 48 to 58 weeks of age, a short hunger strike of 3 to 6 days is required. During this period, egg production will not be affected, and the rate of broken eggs can be greatly reduced.


The above is the poultry equipment manufacturers from 6 points to share the use of automated chicken equipment to reduce egg breakage rate. Here is a sincere proposal for poultry farmers to use poultry cage chicken. If you are interested, please leave a message.

30 May

Feeding and management of hens in chicken layer cages

In recent years, large - scale layer chicken cages  for sale have become the trend of The Times. I witnessed the breeding and management of one of them. I'll share it with you today.


Advantages of chicken battery cage system for raising chickens:


1,Make full use of building space and reduce the site and construction investment cost of each chicken.

2, feed rate of return is high, chicken has a strong growth advantage.

3, easy to raise temperature, save energy, the fuel cost of each chicken is greatly reduced.

4,Intestinal diseases have been greatly reduced.

5, can early detection of illness, facilitate timely elimination, to control the disease of large groups of help.

6, can be in 40 days before the market, shorten the feeding cycle.

7, save medicine cost, each chicken medicine cost within one yuan.



Rearing and management of battery layer cages


Feeding management. It is better to feed it every morning. Automatic feeding system three times a day is ideal. Use the trough, manual add to pay attention to add evenly. And feed in time. To prevent hungry chickens from trample on food. Every afternoon, the keeper should check whether there is an empty tank and fill it in time.

Drinking water management. Ensure water supply 24 hours a day. Should often check whether the waterline blockage, this problem is a headache for every chicken farm, early detection, early maintenance is very important.

Fecal treatment. When cleaning feces, there will be some feces landing, cleaning should be sprinkled with water to prevent dust flying. An automatic manure scraper saves a lot of trouble.

Ventilation management. Ventilation is the most important work in the breeding process. Dare to air, can air to raise a good chicken. battery chicken cages raised chicken houses generally need to have skylights, side Windows and longitudinal fans, which are the basic conditions for ventilation. The purpose of ventilation is: 1, timely discharge of harmful gases in the house, 2, the input of fresh air (oxygen), 3, moderate regulation of the house temperature. Cage broiler is three-dimensional breeding, chicken more, density, poor ventilation will cause anoxia, which is the later ascites of the kind of reason.


The above is the poultry equipment manufacturers to share the advantages of cage hens and breeding management. Hope the above sharing can help poultry farmers to better develop chicken projects.

27 May

How to control the temperature and density in battery cage system?

The control of temperature and density in the chicken cages plays an important role in the successful discovery of health in poultry farming. The emergence of battery cage system is more conducive to chicken farmers. Today in the poultry equipment factory, we will learn to control the temperature and density of the chicken battery cages.


Battery cage system to raising chicken control temperature

(1) into the chick before the control of temperature in the chicken cage for layer

The poultry cage system adopts the whole house to raise chicks. Adjust the insulation equipment in the chicken house before raising chicks. Check radiator and pipe for leakage and no heat phenomenon. Avoid blind spots.

Into the chicken house before heating to 26 deg C, to keep warm in advance. Because cage broilers adopt the method of raising chicks in whole house, the space for raising chicks is larger, so the temperature in the chicken house should be adjusted to avoid the phenomenon of temperature difference being too large.


(2) Control of temperature in chicken house during growing period

The incubation period of laying hens refers to the period from 7 days of age to market, from the incubation period to 0.5℃ per week, and from 21 days of age to market, the temperature is maintained at about 26℃.


(3) Control of temperature in chicken house during brood period

Cage - reared laying hens are reared at high temperature. The incubation temperature was 33℃, then decreased by 0.5℃ every week. This is because chicks at 7 days of age have a low ability to regulate their body temperature. Therefore, the brood house temperature should be kept constant for 7 days of age. Farmers should always check the temperature in the chicken house, to avoid the high and low temperature, resulting in reduced resistance of chicks.



Control density of laying hens in layer battery cages for sale

(1) Density control in chicken house during brood rearing

The combination of whole house rearing and upper cage rearing was adopted for laying hens in battery cage rearing. The number of chicks in each cage is 25. Adopt full house brood so there is no crowding problem.


(2) Density control in chicken house during growing period

The rearing density of cage-raised chickens is related to the season. Low stocking density in summer. Winter stocking density can be appropriately increased. It is generally controlled to feed 8-9 birds per cage.


The above is the poultry equipment manufacturers to share with you the use of battery cage system. We believe that the use of automatic chicken equipment can better develop the poultry industry.


27 May

What are the preparations for large-scale chicken raising?

With the increasing market demand for eggs and chicken. Many users want to use poultry farming equipment in Nigeria to join the army of raising chickens, in order to improve their efficiency. For novice farmers, it is important to learn and prepare all aspects of raising chickens before raising them. So what do you need to prepare for raising chickens



  1. Adjust the temperature before entering the chicken

Chickens are raised from chicks. A chick is a newborn chick. Every function of the body is not growing well. So need relatively high temperature to be able to adapt to the environment, healthy growth. So before you let the chicks into the coop. Farmers should adjust the temperature of the hen house in advance, and adjust the temperature of the hen house to more than 28℃. Then gradually lower the temperature as the chicks grow.


  1. Disinfect the chicken before entering it

Novice farmers' chicken farms are mostly newly built. A lot of farmers think there is no need to disinfect, in fact. Whether new or old, carefully disinfect the battery chicken cage system before entering the chicken. In this way, we can ensure the hygiene and health of the chicken coop. It is recommended that farmers should thoroughly disinfect the chicken coop within a week before entering the chicken.


  1. Check whether the poultry farming equipment is complete

Raising chickens requires a lot of equipment. Equipment such as chicken cage system, feed trough, water tank, water fountain, lighting equipment, thermometer and syringes. These appliances should be purchased before raising chickens. This can not panic in the process of raising chickens. Need what appliance can be found in time, unnecessary to buy, waste of time.


  1. Purchase good vaccines and immunizations

In the process of raising chicks, in order to prevent all kinds of infectious diseases. Farmers need to immunize their chicks in time. So before raising chickens, farmers should first learn what kind of immunization needs to be carried out at the stage of chicks, and then choose good vaccines and immunizations.

26 May

How to control the temperature of chicken house using automatic chicken raising equipment

Summer is just around the corner. For the use of fully automatic chicken raising equipment for farmers. Prepare ahead of time for summer cooling. It can guarantee the healthy growth of chickens to a certain extent.


Proper placement of thermometer

The length and width of the standard chicken house are large, and the temperature in the chicken house is unstable. Care should be taken to place thermometers properly to obtain the average temperature in the chicken house.


Cooling measures in Summer

In summer, you can use wet curtain to reduce the temperature of the hen house, and pay attention to the time when the wet curtain is opened, so that the temperature of the hen house will not be too low, or the temperature of the hen house will be fickle, so that the chicken may catch a cold.



Density problem

Focusing on density in cages actually means observing the different feed intake of each cage chicken and adjusting the number of cage chickens to achieve even feed consumption.


The immune problem

When immunized, chickens in battery layer cages are often treated with an automated drinking water system. When immunizing, attention should be paid to the control of vaccine dose and drinking time.

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